Thanks Caryl! They’re both chowing as I type this.
Chowing is always a good thing! I was wondering, after Pez decided that dark mice were acceptable food, how did she do about any other refusals?
She ate her seventh fuzzy in a row the other day, and she’s probably almost 40g now. No refusals, even in blue!
She’s about to graduate to hoppers, and I only have black ones, so it may be a while to see if she rejects white. I doubt it. I think she’s figured stuff out.
I’m still syringing egg into her brother Gobstopper. I took a few weeks off from it to see if he’d get an appetite, but nope. So I’m going to try to egg him to a weight where either his appetite kicks in, or it’s easy to shove pinks down his throat. I’m not good at assist feeding.
Interesting. It does seem that most of them keep going after they decide it’s nicer to be full. I’ve got one from last season who is being a challenge. She came to me as a stubborn baby who wouldn’t eat, then took one voluntary gecko-scented meal. Right back to stubborn. I hope she figures it out before this year’s eggs start hatching.
This is Peep, the sister of Pez (~40g) and Gobstopper (~24g). While they’ve tried to starve themselves, she’s been assimilating calories like crazy. 150g.
Cool pics. Isn’t it funny how different siblings can be?
Looks like she got all the appetite in the group, ha!
Definitely doesn’t look like a problem feeder for sure!
Still syringing egg into her jerk bro though. But he’s almost 30g, so I need to start assist-feeding him and see if I can kick start his rodent appetite.
He’s probably secretly laughing inside wondering how long you are going to fall for his charade! . Or maybe he thinks he was born an “egg eating snake!”
Hah! Hope he resolves the identity crisis soon.
Got my fingers crossed for ya. I’ve got a stubborn baby from last season, myself. She came as a non-feeder She took one voluntary gecko scented meal when she arrived here, then went back to “nope.” Hasn’t mattered what tricks I’ve tried. I’ve begun a program of assist-feeding every 6 days in hopes of kick starting her hunger. I would really like to have her eating before the new hatchlings arrive and start needing meals!
And that, my dear friend, is exactly one of the reasons why I do not breed ANYTHING!
But seriously, people who want to breed just because they have a male and a female and they want to see what they would get need to consider issues such as non-feeders.
Yeah, I’ve told my guy that he’s got until first ‘24 pip to get his act together, but he might know I’m bluffing. It’d sure be nice though!
Yeah, well, people who want to breed just because just for the heck of it because it would be fun to try, well… Sometimes they get lucky. Sometimes not. You’re right, @caron, of course. I’ll hop off the soapbox.
I think Rutabaga might be my favorite one that I sent! Although Burdock is a close second.
Rutabaga is everyone’s favorite.