Since all the pairings have actually been done now, I just wanted to share my breeding pairs for the '24 season. Took a break for a few years to really get into the genetics and make some plans for what I really wanted to breed, and I did have actual plans… but I ended up with 4 oddball pairings instead All of the females are first timers so this season could end up horribly, but it is what it is
First pairing will hopefully result in some more vibrant tricolours, but I mainly just wanted to see what’s up with the female. Confirmed lock on the 10th of December, but still no eggs. The male prolapsed and had to have an amputation unfortunately, so I’m probably not gonna repair them even if she never lays. In that case I’ll just try again with another male next season, or if she starts laying multiple sets of duds.
The second will hopefully result in some funky patterning, both of them have a really funky look to their pattern imo. Confirmed lock on the 1st of January. No eggs. Probably gonna repair if nothing by the end of the month, though I have heard of females that went upwards of 5 months before they started laying
The third one I’m hoping for some het EB LWs though I’m not actually sure that the male is an EB; neither of the babies out of him I was sent photos of were EBs so I’m excited to see what he’ll throw. Paired 03/03.
The last one was a mistake on the previous owners part; I got her from the same home as the male from pairing 3, and wanted to pair her with that male as well, however they accidentally gave me a very similar but different female that had already been paired; So I already know one pairing I’ll be doing next year Love the kind of faded look of her pattern, so Im excited to see what the babies will look like regardless. No idea when she was paired, but she’s been in her laybox for the past few days so
Quick update; Finally got some eggs! From pairing 2 about a week ago, and from the mystery pairing today
Still no eggs from the first pairing even though it’s been more than 3 months now, she was looking gravid late last month but never laid anything and doesn’t look it anymore so i assume she reabsorbed them .
Back with a quick update; got two more eggs from Lantana, and i got a set of parthonegenetic eggs from Pepper! My last partho egg from Ginger never made it so I won’t get my hopes up, but I can’t help it a little bit
Update; First set of babies from Lantana and Merlin (second pairing) just hatched! The first one is gonna be amazing
The first set from the unknown LW pairing could hatch at any moment, the female only laid 2 clutches, which Im honestly not super mad about since it wasn’t a pairing I’d make if I had a choice lol.
Also, I got another set of partho eggs from the same girl. The first set of eggs are at 55 days, and there’s plenty of movement in them still After getting the second clutch i went ahead and confirmed with her breeder that there definitely isn’t a chance that she was ever paired
Two super interesting babies hatched today - Don’t think Ive ever hatched any that were that deep of a red personally, have seen them around though. Very excited to see them progress. Looking at them Im honestly not 100% sure if the LW male is the dad, or if the male from pairing 3 did manage to get her when they were together very briefly before we realised the mix up
The next eggs that are due are the partho eggs, currently at 58 days! These ones hatched at 67 days, so the parthos will likely hatch in a week or two if they’re gonna hatch Still lots of movement last i checked, and the second pair also seem to be progressing nicely