Were hoping to get all our guys in these eventually. We have 6 in the racks currently. We have a couple projects hoping to help fund the others
I wish my living room looked like that. Planning on turning the guest room into my snake room lol
The pair of Suriname’s will be a project for 2022. This year’s project is the Male Hypo poss jungle DH 100% vpi snow (proven) and female Orangasm 66% DH Het Vpi snow. Hope she proves out.
Wow man those enclosures are crazy. Obviously they are awesome
Thank you. But have to give the credit to the wife on these!!
If my wife would let me mine would look like that
Wow, just wow!!! Beautiful enclosures and beautiful reptiles to boot!
Thats exactly what I want to do as soon as I purchase a house…I’ve started switching all my enclosure to AP cages (All white…Pain because you can see dirt from a mile away but easier to see mites better If you unfortunately ever get any). Congrats on that beautiful room and may the reptile Gods bless your animals and home.