I’m looking on black box and I don’t see anything for reptiles. Did you have them custom made? Thanks very beautiful dude!
I think he is referring to BlackBox
Thank you! I was on a different site :3
I assumed that you were lol
That sofa does look awfully comfortable…I shall steal thy idea and place a sofa upon my future reptile castle.
Oh and what are the cool looking blue light thing a ma jig on top of the enclosures…Some type of misting system?
They attract fungus gnats and catch them. One of the downsides of bio enclosures. They have worked really well.
Oh I’m jealous. When I buy a place I’d love to decorate like this.
@mortikai , that would such a great place for a nap
What product are they? I have some fungus gnat traps that don’t work very well and I’m looking for some traps that actually work.
We also are going to try nematodes. I think that’s how you spell it lol. They eat the fungus gnats larva.
I just purchased 3 of them…I like the fact they look stylish and will go well with my white AP cages.
Wow! Very nice! What enclosures are those?
Op said they were Blackbox
Amazing animals, amazing room, amazing enclosures.
Them blackbox enclosures look interesting…I wonder how well the little hooks holding the doors work after lots of use. Website shows a lead time of only a week not bad at all. I’ll have to check them out more as AP wait times are ridiculous.
We’ve had a few of these for 9 months or so, and the latches have been fine. These guys build a great enclosures! The only thing I wish I had done differently would be putting casters on all the bottom enclosures. We had them put on the 6 foot and it’s at nice when we have to move these around.
No. I’m so jealous!
Still when I see that picture (the one in the original post) come up in the picture reel, I just smile
That’s incredible!!!
Very nice and I love all your boas.