I also forgot you can go with day geckos too they typically hang up at the top. Basically small rainforest species as i mentioned are good tank mates.
Croc skinks like to burrow so you may or may not always catch a glimpse of them but colorful dart frogs would be neat to watch. Dart frogs lose their poisonous properties in captivity because they don’t typically have access to the ants that give them the toxins in the wild.
You can have a totally awesome rainforest bioactive terrarium both fun and beautiful. I hope some of the info i put here is helpful to you. Ill look forward to future posts with amazing pics!
Oh yea, I prefer not to handle my animals and I’ve heard a lot of individuals who were unsuccessful with croc skinks but it’s going on six months since I had her , and yea I built that enclosure with a water fall and the pool. But I been eyeing a small type of tree frog that would work great in this setup plus I’m still looking for a male croc skink as well for my birthday today.
Of course and I’m grateful for this information. I’m ready see what MorphMarket has and then do some more research on the different species cohabitation
I don’t really recommend housing different animal species together but if you were going to do it I would avoid fast lizards (like mournings/days) if the enclosure is top opening (which it looks like it is). I also wouldn’t use frogs or a terrestrial species since I just think the enclosure is too small to have 3-4 animals of two different species in there, I just think it would cause too much stress. I think an arboreal frog would be the way to go if you wanted to do this.
Yea cause what I been looking at today. Having a frog wouldn’t so I was looking more into a salamander or newt but if that idea doesn’t seem to work then I will just stick with a male and pairing crock skinks
Couple of questions… Is there any advantage to using a white enclosure as a close to a black enclosure… I have always used black AP Cages, but their leadtimes are just so crazy
I would worry that the white would stain either do to substrate or reptile waste possibly?
What’s the main difference between these Cages and AP Cages? They both seem to use half-inch PVC but these appear to be a little bit more expensive……