You might be right, especially since the others don’t seem ready to pip (although they really should be pipping any day now).
Perhaps the lack of full development was influenced by the constriction around the midbody & compromised yolk absorption/umbilical blood flow?
Lol you definitely like Starburst better . Without a doubt he should be your holdback and not Twizzler. Someone else can get Twizzler.
I wonder who pray tell? Lol!
I have no idea lol
I’m sorry to hear about your DIE, Olivia. That’s always a sad thing to have happen.
I was wondering the same thing. That would make sense to me.
Me too! Very nifty belly pattern there. Congrats on getting your first successful feeding of the year, as well. Huge milestone there, every time! Way to go, Tootsie!
This one, Rolo, is definitely in the running for holdback! I like Twizzler’s head pattern better, but this little guy has a great stripe, nice busy side pattern, and a perfect masque belly. It might come down to personality!
Oh my gosh, that bottom pic of Rolo looking at the camera is one of the cutest things I’ve seen lately!
He is beautifully marked. Choosing holdback can surely be a challenge. Markings, feeding…I hope all of yours are fantastic feeders. I know you’re great with stubborn babies, but heck, wouldn’t it be nice if none are stubborn? Personality absolutely plays a part when I’m deciding. Looking forward to seeing more of these beauties!
I know, I thought it was so cute so I had to post it! He seems to be quite a sweet baby so far. Several of them became quite feisty after their sheds! Sometimes my holdbacks actually end up being the ones who are difficult eaters, since they stay with me until they’re eating without assistance and by then I’m often attached!
And yes, fingers crossed that they’re all great eaters from the get go. First feeding for most of them will be on Wednesday. I will definitely do my best for any that need extra help figuring it out, but I’d sure prefer if they don’t need it! Haha!
A couple more successful feeds tonight, Wrigley and a second meal for Tootsie. (Wrigley pictured.) I’m attempting a few more tonight and they don’t seem interested just yet, but I’ll give them a little more time in the dark. Some of them are only 4 days past shed, so it might be just a bit too early. Gotta let them get a little hungry first!
One more baby’s first feed tonight. Spree! And one more, Licorice, is trying. Just can’t seem to figure out which end to start with.
First meals always look so huge! It took him a while since he decided to eat it backwards, but Licorice figured it out in the end.
Oh my goodness! His lump looks the biggest! I am so glad all the little “sweeties” are doing well!!!
Hooray for lumpy babies! That’s truly wonderful.
I have two currently who ALWAYS start with the, ahem, tail end. They’ve done it their whole lives. I’ve never understood why, since starting with the front means starting with a conveniently sized and angled portion. Guess even some scaly folks gotta do things the hard way!
My goodness! That food bump is crazy looking!
Oh I know! These aren’t even tiny babies and the pinkies are extra small, but that first meal always looks huge! But literally after a single meal, they look and feel so much bigger and sturdier. And once they eat that first meal, it seems to make them hungrier. Last night, only 3 days after feeding 4 of the babies, they were already out hunting.
So glad they’re doing so well! Who has yet to eat? Anybody?