They are all so adorable! Hopefully when you start feeding after sheds they all eat successfuly!
Let me know if you figure out the red factor with the aneries! All of mine this year have a 50% chance of being red factor and they all look the same! And I’m not holding back 16 snakes for 6 months! Haha!
Can it really take up to 6 month to ID red factor? I guess ill have to be extremely patient with the 2 i have lol.
With most morphs, I’d say no. But since anery removes red, it’s a lot harder to tell with them. And I’ve never hatched or owned red factor aneries before, so I’m not sure when the color might be visible.
ah that makes more sense then.
Thanks! These babies don’t have a lot of things going on visually but I wanted their hets and bloodlines for the next generation. That’s even more true now. I’ll be very happy if everybody eats!
Heck, Olivia, you were one of the people I was hoping could help me figure it out! Maybe we can figure it out together, at least somewhat.
I could hold all nine of these back for 6 months, I guess. That’s not that plan. I really did it to myself this year. I’ve got these babies with possible RF, and there’s also Beau & Sunlight’s clutch of 17 possible Halo babies.
Edit: Beau and Sunlight’s babies are also possibly Peach, for added funzies.
Halo is a tough one too! You’ve got your work cut out for you this year!
One of my aneries is already in her second shed, so I’m curious to see how she’ll look compared to the others.
I swear we’re all in the same boat with the hard to identify morphs @caryl @solarserpents! Pineapple’s babies are all pos het Palmetto. Beautiful babies, though, I’m sure Aria would be proud of her work.
I’ll look forward to pics of that! Love learning new stuff, and I haven’t seen a ton of reliable neonate pics for RF Aneries.
@noodlehaus, looking forward to watching the lovely Pineapple’s little ones become bigger.
I edited my earlier post because in addition to RF with these and the Beau x Sunlight clutch Halo determinations, Beau is Peach so I’ll also be looking to figure out that expression. At least those five eggs from Galahad x Dazzler should be straightforward!
Everybody’s out and set up individually. They’re a good-natured bunch. They were thoroughly looked over in hand, weighed, photographed (sometimes rather fuzzily because they didn’t want to hold still, lol) and popped before brewing or into their initial individual home with damp moss and water. Nobody tried to run for the hills, no strikes, no musking, not even a tail rattle. Several came right onto my hand when I put it into the hatching bin. It’s a male heavy group, even assuming the putative females are female with 2.2 Aneries het Amel, 4.1 Snows. Everybody’s het Diffusion, Strawberry, Stripe, pos Red Factor. They’re also ph Caramel since Aria was 50% ph Caramel. This pairing didn’t include a way to test that het.
I have chosen two keepers for sure, and may end up keeping a couple more.
First pippy first, here’s Legacy! (Great name idea, @cmills. Thank you!) He’s already curious and not a bit a shy. He may be LE Masque since his belly checkers are a bit split. He has a bit of a different tint, too. Curious to see how his color develops. He’s a keeper.
Puccini is the other male Anery. He’s a bit more reserved than Legacy but not defensive.
Somehow I only got one terrible shot of Minuet. I’ll have to remedy that.
And now the Snows. A couple have noticeably more pink, but I don’t know if that’s due to individual variation or is an early indication of RF. Time will tell. Here are:
Scarlatti, who’s a handsome, calm little dude…
and Rossini, equally handsome but more restless. I have no pics of Rossini which aren’t blurry, lol. Fun pattern on his sides.
Your names are so cute! I love Minuet!
The other two male Snows are Caruso, whose picture is fuzzy through no fault of his own…
and Solo, who was inhabiting the one egg which wasn’t attacked to the clump. He was last to emerge.
And finally, this is Heart’s Delight. Thanks for the name, @noodlehaus! It suits her perfectly. She’s as gentle and pretty as can be, and my other definite keeper.
Awwwwwww! She’s a pretty little pink lady!
Thanks! I don’t always name everybody right away but this clutch is extra special to me, and it just felt right.
I agree. It’s hard to take good pics of light colored snakes and this doesn’t show her coloring well, but you can tell she’s a polite lady.