Burn Injury Progress!

It was :frowning: I have not heard an animal cry like that in my life the cat sounded like a dog when the kitty came in :frowning: we all wondered how a pot of boiling water is accidentally spilled on a cat by a person I really hope it was an accident…they definitely foot a hefty vet bill.

We are going of track here and it’s a REPTILE forum.


Just wanted to say I’ve been lurking on this post since about the halfway mark. Just wanted to let OP know they are AWESOME for the care and attn put towards this beautiful animal <3 Keep on being awesome.

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I keep the ambient heat in the tanks up with a heat wire . My terrariums from wood have a metal ventilation strip in the top from left to the right. I just lay the the wire on the outside of the enclosure on the metal. The heatwire is hot enough to warm the metal but not enough to burn the snakes and warms enough to bring the temp up to 26 degrees celcius.

I have to honest I still have in two glas terrariums a heat light in daytime but they go off at night when the snakes are active. Because these are in the livingroom it never really get’s cold. and bacause I don’t open the terrariums in the evening except for feeding the heat stays inside.

The snakes in the tubs also have a heatwire to keep the ambient temp up but I don’t know if this also is enough if it really get’s cold in your house. In my house it hardly ever get’s lesser that 18 degrees celcius at night. I also know people who put the heatlamp on the outside of the enclosure. I wouldn’t put the heatmat up in temp because then that one get’s to hot for the snake.

It’s just some ideas but it depends on the type of enclosure and the temp of the room which work best. Sometimes it’s just testing several things, but myself I’m most happy with the results of the heatwire.

But really, you’ve done a very good job in caring for your snake. I’m happy it all turned out so well for both of you

Oh my, that’s absolutely awful. I can’t even begin to imagine how that even happened but I’m happy to hear the cat made a full recovery.

Anyways I forgot to share his after-shed pics!!

You can see clearly where he’s missing scales, since his skin gets really pink after a shed. But it’s completely healed over, and I’ll be watching to see if he ever grows his scales back.
He’s doing really well now, refused a rat last week but his feed record is otherwise really great, and he’s putting on some decent weight!


Hey herpjay! Was thinking of Bones randomly today and revisited this thread. Realized its just over a year since he was found with the burns. So glad he is doing much better! Is there any update on the strong noodle?

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I appreciate you being transparent with the whole journey. And let me apologize for the people who found it detrimental to reiterate what you have lived in reminding you, repetitively, that heat lamps can be dangerous. It’s my single biggest fear for all my reptiles who use heat lamps. Your little guy looks great though . You should be proud of him.