So I’m curious if anyone here is working with lyre snakes. I just received 2 cb babies from a friend after having wanted some for years. They are awesome and I’m very excited to start this project. I’ve named them Spicyboi and Hotsauce. The female doesn’t care for me much right now, but I’m not too worried about that.
So if anyone else is working with them I’d love to hear from you and maybe you could drop a picture or two.
Was so happy that they took their first frozen/thawed meals for me this week. I can’t post feeding pics so I’ll just share a photo of Hotsauce in her new micro-terrarium. I’m going to redo this with another container soon as this was a cheap one from Burlington and it’s not as clear as I’d like (note the blur). But the substrate was the main experiment here. I used natural red desert sand and mixed in some clay powder used for making seed bombs. Wet it just a little and let it dry to make a hard packed sandy surface much like the desert floor. Worked out beautifully, but I found out that a little clay powder goes a long way. I put too much in at first and had to dilute down. There was about 3-4 oz of clay powder to about 4 lbs of sand.
Yes they both have a bit of attitude and since they’re mildly venomous I thought it fit. Though he is fairly easy going after about a minute of handling. The female is much more feisty lol.
What is it about female colubrids and attitude problems? All of my girls always wanna take a swing (except for one who can’t be bothered to be mad at anything) and every single one of my boys have the best personalities. Could almost tell gender by level of attitude problems lol
I’m about 50/50. My kingdurans and jungles and California kings the females are the easy ones. My corns and and gopher/corns and pure gophers the males are the easy ones.
I don’t have any links offhand, but I do know there have been 1 or 2 cases of people reacting badly to bites with no apparent allergic reaction. One of them I remember they said the snake was latched on and chewing for several minutes so it may have to do with the amount of venom the women was exposed to.
@eaglereptiles thanks, I’m definitely trying to get better at putting up videos. I’m not good at coming up with a script which is most of them are just music for sound lol. In certainly open to topic suggestions.