Species - Python Regius
Name of the gene: Nanny (we want to change it to Carnage)
Genetic Type- Co-dominant
No other complex related
No other names or Aliases
Description: it is a dark gene that influences the color and pattern depending on the gene(s) it’s paired with. This is a granite type gene.
Related gene: It could be compared to other granite genes such as Dot, Grim, Pixel, and Voodoo
It has not been proven allelic with any other genes.
Problem - n/a
History - Carson Phelps was the first to prove the gene, name it, and bring it to market.
No controversy or Disagreement
This was one of the first significant granite genes brought to the market by Carsen Phelps, but many did not get into the project simply because they did not like the name ‘Nanny’. There was also much confusion over identification of this gene leading to more than 40% of the current Nanny animals for sale on Morphmarket not actually being Nanny at all. Understanding that this gene needed rebranding I asked Carson Phelps for his permission to re-name it and he fully agreed to the change. Furthermore, it was also brought to a vote with the current Nanny investors and we all agree the new name should be: Carnage. This gene is a granite gene that far exceeds any other granite to date. It is time to set this gene apart with a new distinction.
So the first nanny out carries a granite so when you pair the gene you can isolate the granite without having the nanny, like the HGW than carries a granite and then they isolate the gene and now you can see HGW without the granite type, so do you think is better stay with the nanny name the granite type and create carnage like a different gene.
I feel like this is only going to make things more confusing. Because you’ll still have some people calling it “nanny” and selling them as such, others will adopt “carnage”, then you’ll to convince people that nanny = carnage, and because ball python people are the way they are, it’s going to add to the chaos.
I also doubt the name is the real reason not many people work with it, I just think it’s not very well known. There’s plenty of morphs out there with dumb names that people still work with
The people that already invest in the project agree to make the change, I know is going to be a little confuse but nothing that good marketing cant do. Pixel born like j2 granite so is not the first time this happen.
I was in the Nanny group that decided on the re-name and I still don’t agree with changing it, I think it’s going to be incredibly confusing for both current breeders of the gene and anyone looking to get into it, since it’s already been the established name for years. I think we should market the existing gene as is, there are lots of dumber names for genes out there.
That said, they did at least put it to a vote. My choice was ‘keep nanny,’ which obviously did not win.
My concern is the same as has been voiced. Changing the name is certainly going to lead to additional confusion because most of the hobby isn’t going to see it. I guess the question is does it clear up more confusion than it generates.
A name change won’t solve the mislabeling, that’s been going on for as long as I’ve been in the hobby with many subtle genes.
As others have said, a name change isn’t going to fix anything. It is just going to to create a problem that isn’t needed. There is nothing else to say about it.
So let me explain better and sorry I didn’t write this in the first massage. I’m going try to edited
So the first nanny out carries a granite so when you pair the gene you can isolate the granite without having the nanny, like the HGW than carries a granite and then they isolate the gene and now you can see HGW without the granite type, so do you think is better stay with the nanny name the granite type and create carnage like a different gene?
I support the name change. Like everything it will take adjusting to. Love working with the gene and I believe the name change can help bring more attention to this wonderful gene. This is only my opinion and I respect everyone else’s opinions on this.
Not involved in BPs but chiming in because this topic has piqued my interest.
Tbqh this seems like an education issue and not a “branding” issue. Those erronous listings won’t diminish unless you actually correct people and make sure they understand how the gene works. The fact that people aren’t wanting to work with it over the name is just ludicrous. If the morph is exciting enough visually, the name shouldn’t matter. Changing it now, after people are already familiar with the original, is just going to muddy the waters more (this wouldn’t be the first example). You shouldn’t have to call a morph “Carnage” or something else absolutely unrelated to what the gene does (a.k.a “cool sounding”) to get people interested.
Just my two cents, I’ll slink back to the colubrid side of things.
I will add that nanny is already by far the most popular granite line gene (other than just plain granite), with more people working on the gene than any of the other similar granite-esque phenotypes, so it’s not as though it’s completely obscure - just not quite as popular as we’d like it to be. I’ve certainly met people who didn’t like the name, but I have also met plenty who did, and I’ve certainly never met anyone who wouldn’t work with any gene just based on the name. I actually got into the gene partially because I thought nanny was a really unique name with a cute backstory. At the time I was also considering marvel and orbit instead. I really don’t think the name is the reason people haven’t gotten into the gene.
My main concern with changing the name is just the confusion it will cause. Nanny has been an established gene for years with this name. If we switch the tags over to Carnage then we’re going to have lots of people seeing the name with no idea where it came from, and on social media when we are referencing the gene we’re going to have lots of people never making the connection that Carnage is the same gene that used to be called Nanny. As I already said I work with the gene and would prefer it stay as it is, but it was voted to change so I won’t refute that. I just think we need to have a very clear plan going forward about how we’re handling the change, how we’re referring to combos, how we’re explaining the name change, etc. or people are just going to get more confused and it will end in even less interest in the gene as a result.
Yes, we have to work marketing and a logistics to get people understand, Miguel García is going to help me with a video of the rename. If you ask to any breeder that work with the gene or know the gene who’s the person with more experience in it you going to hear my name(even the creator Carson Phelps send people to help identifying). My first language is Spanish( I’m from Puerto Rico) so Nanny don’t mines nothing to me but US market don’t think the same. I ask the creator of the nanny and he agree and here’s a pic that can support it. He tell me that select the name I want but I didn’t see that fare so I open a vote in the page of FB. If name change to Carnage or open a new gene for Carnage I can help identify the ones who want to use the new name, because is going to be easier filter the pictures from the ones are going to use the new names that the old name. Starting from all the Nanny NERD have aren’t the gene, are just granite types.