Company name and logo opinions

Here’s my logo so far, it’s just a rough draft that I made with logomakr and I don’t have credits to yet.

Created my logo at
What do you guys think of the logo, it’s simple but obviously displays the kind of business I’m in (reptile breeding, or more specifically more unique different species rather than 95% ball pythons)
I’m still not positive on the name, I want it to be relevant to the great lakes since I’m in that area. Is Lake Erie well known, in the US, or internationally? Does anybody have any other ideas of names I could use?


I really like it. It’s clean and professional looking.
The type of logo you find on actual products.

I’m in the UK and other than the Colorado River and Niagara falls, Lake Erie is the only other body of water I know of the top of my head in America, mainly because a film of the same name :joy:


My only criticism is that I thought it said Eric Herps. But otherwise I like it. It looks clean and professional.


My first logo! So excited to have one now!


I read Eric herps as well.

@solarserpents and @toadhall
This is just a rough draft, when I actually make a final copy or work with someone to make a final copy then I’ll take that into consideration. Thank you both for the criticism, it helps me figure out what to improve.


I like the card a lot. Maybe the r could have the serpent head?