Giving everyone an update on the little dude. He’s still alive and eating like a champ. Poops are a little on the runny side but they’re getting firmer by the day. He explores constantly at night and even has jumped around a few times. He’s put on a little weight, but with the way he’s shaped and the way his ribs are mismatched I do think you’ll always be able to sorta see them. The vet near me has a two month out schedule but I told them to call me back if they had anything come up sooner/a cancellation. He moves around better than he did when I first got him. Been meaning to upload more pics here but I need to be on my laptop to do that, my phone is a piece of work lmao.
Will continue to monitor for signs of devolving quality of life. Right now I’m still trying to give him a fighting chance, but it is 100% agreed that if it becomes evident he’s unable to progress and live without suffering then the alternative will be considered.
Great job @nygma! You seem to be monitoring the little guy very closely. I’m confident you will quickly detect any outward signs of distress. Although animals hold their illnesses pretty close to the vest. I’m hoping your vet will have a cancellation soon, all the same, so your little buddy can be seen……
Alright, long awaited update pics! He actually shed last night but had trouble getting some of it off his toes, so I took the liberty and helped him out on taking his “gloves” off lmao. Maybe it’s just my personal opinion and MAYBE I’m also a little delusional… Both likely… I DO think he doesn’t look as pitiful. He’s very active and always skitters towards my hand any time I open his little bin. He’s so personable, more than my… “normal” geckos lol. He never wants to be put down and always tries to escape his bin when I have to put him away.
I definitely did name him Quasimodo LMAO. He’s a little stink pot. His poops, I won’t lie, the first few? I thought my cat laid a dookie it was so bad. I’ve NEVER had a gecko drop something so foul smelling. Now I don’t smell his poops anymore, but lord…
Super-smelly poops can be a sign of various digestive issues, including parasites (at least in mammals, I assume it’s the same for reptiles), so that’s something to keep an eye (or nose) on. The fact that his poops have improved suggests to me that maybe he just wasn’t getting the right nutrition, but if the stinky poops return, it’d probably be a good idea to save the poop and get a fecal test done.
Poor little guy. He’s lucky he found you! It sounds like he’s doing remarkably well for you, all things considered. Definitely looks like he’s gained some weight. Hopefully he continues to explore, eat, poop, and put on weight.
@nygma Good for you and what you are doing! I think he looks like he has put on some weight and he is cute as a button! He must recognize you as his life saver and that is why he is so smitten with you!
The poop probably does need to be checked though…… just sayin…….
He is definitely looking much healthier. I agree the poop was probably due to insufficient nutrition, but if the smell comes back… Definitely take to the vets to examine, they might take the poop without an appointment
Coming to you, might also be a plead for help as in pain! But I’d like to think that the Gecko really likes you. Either way, the Gecko trusts you.
Jumping might cause pain, but climbing might be okay for him.
He’s looking like life is easier for him. Much healthier looking than those first pics! He’s a very fortunate fellow to have found a home with you, @nygma.
Continuing to feed n do all of the thannngss for this lil guy, he’s still up and moving around just like everyone else— at the crack of dawn. When I can only see him if I’m woken up by some random noise in the apartment complexes I live in. As we speak it’s about 11 PM for me and he’s licking the water off of his leaves. I’ve been working on loading some crickets for the last week, normally I only keep adult crickets for my adult cresties so I’ve been having to source out some much smaller ones. He snags them like they’re the last roll of toilet paper in 2020.
Update on his poops: I cannot smell them at all anymore. I change his paper towel every 2 - 3 days just bc I wanna give him the cleanest environment possible, but I do see some droppings in there. I’ve caught him busting one out a few times, no longer runny or stankie.
Haven’t been called about any cancellations yet.
My aunt actually has a few friends who can do a fecal sample for me, she’s got a degree in herpetology (which unfortunately you can’t put to great use around here) so I’m just waiting to hear when’s a good time I can deliver her a Code Brown.
Behaviorally I have noticed he’s sunk into more crestie typical behavior. He used to be out 24/7, but now he hides most of the day and only comes out when the lights are off/when I’m feeding him. He also as been running around more, he’s not so easy to catch when he’s making a dash lol! I consider most of these things good, the closer to normalcy we get the more comfortable I am with accepting he might end up doing well.
Still going strong, eating every day and taking a few crickets throughout the week. Seems to prefer the MRP, but I can tempt him with a cricket… dipped in MRP. We like chocolate coated strawberries. He likes MRP coated crickets. Calcium dusted ofc too.
Poops are looking as normal as they can be. No odor, no consistency issues from what I’ve observed. Shedding for the second time, has issues getting it off the lower portion of his body. Kinda expected with the way he’s shaped, so I will continue to give him a helping hand via misting and assisting him roll it off as it’s ready. Got some cute pictures of him yesterday as he was eating! He looks thin still, at least IMO, but I really do think that’s solely because of the way his bones are laid out and not due to malnourishment.
He is such a precious little baby! The first 2 pictures of his little crestie face are cuteness overload! It seems like you are doing a fine job @nygma! Little Quasimodo is living up to his name!