Considering jungle x jungle

I’ve always found the super jungle to be an amazing looking animal. Of course the fertility has been in question for as long as they have been around. (I’ve been told of successful female breedings, but limited success with males.) Since so few first hand accounts are available I’m considering breeding jungle Arabesque to jungle Arabesque, with the intention of keeping back a few super jungles for future breeding trials.


I would love to see what that litter brings you.
Honestly, I’m SUPER curious about the Arabesque x Arabesque part!


Well any results i have I’ll share here. The female jungle Arabesque is a proven breeder and had last year off so she should be good to go. Here’s hoping for some stunners.


Please do!
I know both don’t have a distinctly visual homozygous form, but there are always those that stand out as supers.
I’ll bet Arabesque is the same.
I didn’t know there were problems with Jungle x Jungle. Are the supers unhealthy?
I knew about Motley and heard that Super Aztecs aren’t solid?!
We were MIA from the boa scene for about 6 years. You’ll have to catch us up.
…and of course don’t be afraid to post pics of the potential pair. :grin:

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I understand the being mia part. I got out of keeping in 2010 but got back in, in 2014. The super jungle has been stated to be less fertile, take longer to grow etc. But of course there’s a lack of information on them when raised properly (too often breeders try and push the new stuff off course). I’ve heard the same story in varying levels for Arabesque but I have 10 in my basement that are all strong healthy animals and a bunch more I’ve produced and sold that i haven’t heard anything negative about.


Looking forward to seeing what you produce. Super jungles look really cool.


I’m really glad you’re keeping the Arabesque torch lit. I’ve heard they were problematic as well, but we’ve had several with no problems. None of them were kahl albino though which mat have been the problem. People usually end up outcrossing enough to help that.
We have a Sharp Arabesque in our collection and she’s really strong.

Back to the Jungle topic though, I was hoping @tommccarthy would chime in.
Hey, Tom!
What’s up with jungle x jungle breedings and super jungle animals? :laughing:

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What do y’all think?
I know your focus is locale BCCs, but you know your genetics. What do you think?

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I was always told that Super Jungles had a poor long-term survival rate, and that the few Super Jungles who lived to adulthood were mostly infertile (but I have heard of the occasional exception.) I personally wouldn’t breed Jungle x Jungle unless I was able to find multiple people who had raised a Super to adulthood, and bred it. I suspect that the fact that no one is doing Super Jungle pairings right now means that past results have been poor, otherwise they’d be everywhere.


I never knew the supers did that poorly. Thats why i love it here, always learning something new


Thank you.
That makes perfect sense.
We missed 2014-2020 boa-wise and we didn’t keep jungles before that so we’re really catching up here.

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Ok so this is going to be a stupid question but I am not a breeder so I am curious. I have Central American Jungle Boas. I have been told that my female is a super hypo and my male is a hypo. They are related and they bred without my intention. Long story and stupidity on my part. So are there different types of boas that are jungles and what makes a boa a jungle boa?

Sorry again for an uneducated question as I am just an accidental breeder! :upside_down_face:

Thank you in advance for any reply!

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Jungle is an incomplete dominant genetic trait.

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Do you know anyone that has older super jungles?
I remember people doing jungle x jungle years ago. I imagine a decent amount of Super jungles were produced. There must be a decent amount of people who have or have owned them.
This is messing up our breeding plans. :grin:
We were going to do super hypo Junglow Sharp x Purple Paradise Keltic Jungle.
We don’t really have an alternate mate for either.

Jungle is a tricky one to get.
If you haven’t checked out this, here’s a good start:

There’s a super jungle facebook group documenting currently living super jungles.
This is the TLDR of super jungles:

  • A percent will die within a few months of being born.

  • Those that do not die are often afflicted with poor digestion, poor muscle tone, and poor coordination. The degree to which the animal is afflicted varies widely but most of these animals must be fed very conservatively and will grow very slowly if at all.

  • Those that survive for awhile after the first few months can normally limp along but by 3 years old another large percentage of the super jungles will have died.

  • Some adult animals do exist but their fertility is notoriously low. Some of them may breed but the majority do not.

  • The oldest super jungle that I know of personally was 8 when she finally died. That is far below the normal age for a healthy boa constrictor/imperator/sigma.

  • Many super jungles were indeed made in the past because they are beautiful but most of those animals have long since died due to the inherent weakness in the homozygous form of the mutation.

  • There’s very little incentive in my opinion to ever make an intentional jungle x jungle pairing given that the resulting animals are overwhelmingly unviable. And even if you manage to get a “good” one that makes it to adulthood it will be most likely infertile and have an unnaturally short life.


That is a good wealth of information. Thanks for posting it.


I have never breed jungle to jungle. I have heard about them being infertile.
I do like the look of the super jungle they are very unique looking.

I have mixed feelings about breeding jungle to jungle. I would like to have a super jungle for a pet or a very pretty display animal. If I ever do make any all the supers would be sold as pets at a reduced price. I would make sure all buyers know the history of them.

However most of my reptile friends would want one. So I don’t think I would have any to sell. I do give boas away free to friends every year. My Veterinarian bubby has about 8 of them.

I have crossed my Northern Brazilian BCC with one of my jungles. I am hoping this will strengthen the genetic of my jungles for future breeding. Not to mention add some nice colors to them.

Sorry voodoomagicboas I have been out of town with no cell service for the week. I was salmon fishing in Michigan.


Lookin’ good, T!
THAT’S a fish!
Thank you, sir.
It was no problem. We just missed your input which was awesome as always.
Welcome back!

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Adult super that is doing just fine. Courted a female last season, but she didn’t grow follicles so it would have been for nothing either way


How old is that super? Would the babies being produced have less of a chance at survival?

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