Corn snake laying eggs will I need to help her?

I am worried I have caused my corn snake to stop laying her eggs as I didn’t realize she wasn’t done and disturbed her , 3rd night and she seem to have same number of eggs still, when is it appropriate to see if she needs helps getting the rest out ? How long should it take for her to get all her eggs out ?


Welcome! All eggs should be laid within about 24 hours. 36 hours would be long. Does she have eggs inside her still?

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I’m sorry your snake is having trouble. If she had actually laid eggs then stopped three days ago, something isn’t right. It’s unlikely that you caused the problem. I’ve a few questions to help us understand the situation.

How old is your snake? Is this her first clutch? If not, how did the other seasons go? How many eggs has she laid, and when? How many do you think she still has to go, and where are they in her body?


Thank you for getting back to me she has had 12 and maybe 3-4 left I don’t want to touch her I can’t really tell , she 4 years old now now and it’s her first clutch and it must be an accident as I have male snakes but i haven’t put them together.


I’m not one to say “vet visit!” for every little thing, but this probably won’t resolve otherwise. And the sooner you get her in, the better the outcome will be. Good luck!


I called a reptile guy and he said it could take a week max for all her eggs to come out , I went to help her today and before I disturbed her there are 8 more eggs and I think she has some more but again I do not want to disturb her… Shall I wait out the week or shall I take her to the vets ?


A week sounds pretty long, you don’t want those eggs to start rotting inside her. If it were my snake I think I’d try a vet visit soon, especially since immediate appointments are hard to get so there may be a wait anyway


ASAP for the vet. That’s some incorrect info about lay time duration for corns. You want to go before the egg contents solidify, while they can still be aspirated if necessary.


that is absolutely false. The absolute max you would want to wait is 2 days before contacting a vet.


She needs to see a vet who is familiar herps, @athenala004 . It’s not normal for a corn to spend days laying eggs. You should take a picture of the eggs with you to the vet. f you don’t already have a vet, you may be able to find one with the info here: How to find a Reptile Veterinarian

Sometimes corns lay even without being bred. It’s frustrating and confusing for owners. It’s possible for them to mate surprisingly quickly. If she was ever temporarily with a male, say maybe when you were cleaning a tank, well…

If she’s just staying in her nest box, she’s probably in need of hydration. Try offering her some fresh, lukewarm water right where she is. You can use a coffee cup or something similar. Try holding it right by her face, or even gently putting her face in the cup near the water.

It’s obvious you care about her. You’re asking about how up help her. At this point, I’m afraid she needs to be seen by a vet. Good luck. Please let us know what happens.


I would put her in a tub to soak and it will encourage her to drink, too. She will also absorb through her vent. She may be dehydrated.
I’ve had some success with this prompting the female to pass some of the remaining slugs. I used a larger tote so they had the opportunity to move/swim.
Are the remaining ones near the vent or still up a ways?


She is set up with water next to her she seems not stressed, I spoken to the exotic vets (very difficult to get hold of in my area) and said they will not see her until 7 days after her last egg… Which I thought was crazy !!

On the bright side …
… Crystals update she has 5 more eggs so total of 22 !! And I don’t think there is any more !!

… Will post pictures soon


Photos of first 9 … Will try incubate them ? Any friendly advice


78-82F on a bed of vermiculite and/or perlite that has been wet and squeezed until it’s just moist, in a container with maybe one small airhole poked in it. Most air exchange will occur when you check the clutch every week or so. In 58-~75 days you’ll have babies. Good luck!


Should I re-hydrate the vermiculite when airing? assuming it will dry out during that time period


If set up properly at the beginning, you SHOULDN’T need to. A little fog on the sides of the container is good. You don’t want lots of dripping condensation.