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Gene Request Form
Please fill the below form out to the best of your ability. Answers do not need to be lengthy. If appropriate you may forward this request to someone who is more able to supply the answers.
Species:python Regius
**Name of Gene:**Darkside Gold
First produced by whom: From The Darkside BPs
**Year First Produced:**2016
**Genetics Type (Incdom/Codom/Recessive/Polygenic/etc):**incdom
**In complex with other genes?:**unknown but might be similiar to OD
**Other names/aliases for it?:**I originally called it Tangerine until I realized there was already a gene called that
Appearance; What it does/looks like?
- Head: two tone with a slight head stamp or light circle in gold
- Body: Very bright orange color, that contrasts with black background that may have highlights. Cleans up alien heads and takes away lines. Can remove space between the alien heads and stretch them.
- Belly:clear with some light tracks to the sides .
- Tail: Orange tip to tail and often stretched pattern there.
Proven Lines:
Related Genes:
Proven: To what degree it is proven out to not just be polygenic? The original females were labeled as fire but never proved, instead producing these light gold animals. And cleaning up the pattern. I’ve combined with pinstripe and did a gold to normal pairing last year that was 50% definite Darkside gold babies completely different than normals.Also put with banana this year and it makes the orange of banana almost pink. It consistently has produced the same type animal now through three generations from P (original females).
Unique: Why do you believe this is a new morph and not an existing one? Although it acts a lot like Orange Dream it did not produce a super when combined. It did produce a super when F1 male was paired back to P female.
Problems: Any problems? None so far
History: The history behind its discovery? I produced these babies from two different girls labeled as fire but neither proved in two years of pairing. Kept getting these bright animals and noticed how it reduced pin incredibly. I’ve done limited pairing to other incdom genes so far, concentrating on proving it incdom and the super.
Disagreement or Controversy:
**References here on the community:**This is the first time I’ve mentioned it here but have had feedback from numerous breeders who encouraged me to continue.
- At least one link to community discussion (ie forums) to demonstrate community acceptance. My ads have them listed as a dinker with the name in the title.
- Link to WOBP if one exists.
- Links to the wider web.
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