Do you see what I see again? More windows in eggs

I’m having a bit of replay/remix. Once again, I have a clutch with windows. Today is Day 62, and as of this morning, the eggs remain eggs and the windows remain closed. They have been there since the beginning. They don’t leak. They have gotten neither larger nor smaller, though the view inside has changed as time has passed. The pairing was Galahad (Moonstone Masque het Amel, Diffused, Stripe, 66% ph Strawberry) and Galetta (Strawberry Tessera 66% ph Lavender, Strawberry, Sunkissed). Here is the happy couple.

Last year, I posted about a similar clutch. (If you want, you can read about it here: Do you see what I see? Windows in eggs .) That clutch was Galahad x Dazzler. Yeah, that’s the part which has me wondering, too. Both clutches do indeed have the same sire.

I understand basic biology. I know that the female’s body builds the eggs. That said, the finishing touches on the shells of fertilized eggs obviously occur long after fertilization. It’s well known that infertile eggs are often recognizably, externally different. I do not know the mechanism, but it makes sense that the dam’s body is responding to some signal about/from the embyro in building the shell of a fertilized egg. This means that, logically, there may possibly be tiny differences in signals from different embryos, thereby resulting in differences in the eggs’ assembly. Interesting.

These pictures were taken when the eggs appeared.

These were taken a couple of days ago.

There's a saying that two events are evidence. It takes three to make a pattern. Well, evidence is all I've got so far. Galahad was only bred to Galetta this season. I didn't re-pair anybody, but Galetta is blue for a second clutch anyhow. And hey, just to keep my life interesting, Dazzler is huge again although she hasn't been bred since 2023. At any rate, soon I will hopefully have more beautiful, healthy babies from these 2024 eggs with windows!

Interesting! Can’t wait to see who pops out of those!


I know this has been said before but they remind me of those Easter eggs of long ago that had a small window with tiny little Easter bunnies and eggs and baskets nestled in the grass inside of them. I have already made my pick but I can’t wait to see what pops “pips” anyway!


I’ve been trying not to think about this clutch, lol. I had two pairings this season to check possible hets. The first didn’t produce a single baby to prove a ph present. I’m very much hoping that some of the possibles for this pair will prove to be there. If not, at least I will know they’re all 100% het Anery, Lavender, Strawberry, some in Tessera (with a bunch of phs) which still fits some of my projects. But. Are there specific combos I’m reeeeaaally hoping to see? You betcher boots!


They are kind of like those Easter eggs, you’re right. It a wrapped gift whose contents you can’t quite figure out, no matter what you do.

I know you are going to love your sweet new boy in all of his redness. :heart: :heart: :heart:


You betcha boots Caryl!!!


Hurry up Wednesday! :crossed_fingers:


Mannnn, how come you get to get all the snakes? :joy: Just seems like you’re adding to your little collection all the time. I’m seriously jealous, in a hopefully not mean or offensive way :sweat_smile:


If I may say so, @caron does have excellent taste in snakes! She’s also got the time and the space to add more beauties to her collection. I love all the updates when she adds more goodies.

Lol I know what you mean!


Well @caryl @indiflare It is getting a little bit tricky to change the sheets on my bed, if that makes you guys feel any better……. :joy:


ehhh, idk :joy: I want a whole room full of geckos/reptiles. I don’t think either my mom or my grandma do though.
My grandma did agree to look after them this week though, so maybe she wouldn’t mind as much… but she might mind if I left her with twenty geckos instead of like four cages


This is no longer strictly true. When I did what was meant to be a final check tonight, I discovered that a weensy bit if moisture has appeared on Egg #4. Looking closely, I saw a chink in its window. It looks very much like what happens to a window if the lawnmower flings a stick, or car windshield if struck by a rock.

The other eggs with windows are still unchanged. But this is happening with one of the "regulars. "

It’s probably good that it’s late and I’m very tired. Should minimize how pesty I can be as these long-awaited babies make their way into the world.


Okay, I looked at the earlier photos of Egg #4. There was an imperfection where the chink is, but it was sealed and dry to the touch. The light, gentle, careful touch, of course. It’s not dry now, so something is a’happening inside.

There are 21 eggs in this clutch. I’m hoping for at least 7 healthy wee noses by morning. :pray:


Okay, I admit it. I peeked during the night and saw two noses. Both of them proved hets, too!! This morning there are four adorable pippies and a few others working on slits. Nobody is out far enough to see pattern. The first one is…

a Strawberry!! This proves Galahad’s possible Strawberry het. :confetti_ball:

The second one proves the Anery het for Galetta! The baby looks to have something else too, as its markings aren’t as dark as Anery neonates normally are. :tada:

This morning, I see another Strawberry nose plus a classic.

I can’t wait to see them all!!


Merry Christmas to you Caryl in July! :blush:


Yay for babies and yay for proving poss hets right off the bat! Now to wait for babies to fully emerge.


It does kinda feel like Christmas. :christmas_tree:

There are seven pips now, and they have variety! I think this one may be a Moonstone. Maybe?

No idea what this is, and there are two! :laughing: Galetta probably had an unexpected Amel het, I guess. At this point these have a coral/peach color rather than the usual pink Snow tones, though. Those don’t look like Snow eyes, either. They look a bit like Hypo Lavender. Strawberry is part of the Hypo complex…hmmm.

Group shot, because PIPPIES!


So so precious to see!!! :heart:


The second baby to pip is the first to leave its egg. The coloring is off in this photo as the light in the room with the eggs gives a yellowish tint to everything, but it is a Lavender Tessera. I’ll need a better look to try and figure out if it’s a Moonstone. Either way, it’s lovely. :heart_eyes:


I can see the lavender!