Flatline and Magpie, genetics?

I was reminiscing on the good old days and remembered the Flatline and Magpie from Ralph and Kevin, respectively. Were the different traits each had ever revealed? Matt Lerer knew and wouldn’t tell me on the Magpie.

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I can’t say I ever heard what they were made of. @t_h_wyman might know.

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Ralph never came right out and explicitly said it but the general speculation is that the “Flatline” involved SuperBlade and likely his “Tang” line of OD

As far as the Magpie… You are more likely to get the truth from a Magic 8-Ball than from Kevin


Thank you, Dr. Wyman.

If you were to guess for the Magpie, where would you start? It seems like it was another interesting project that became an afterthought before enough work was put in

Flatline also looked like spider clown as well… So possibly super late spider clown?

It has been forever and a day since I even saw the thing but if I were to hazard a guess I would say SuperEnchi Pastel Spider or Enchi Fire Pastel Spider


This is supposed to be a casual place and we are all friends here…

So stop calling me “Dr” :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :+1:t4:

I want to say I recall an interview with Ralph where he said Spider was not involved… But that was probably close to a decade ago so my memory could very likely be off there

I was just going by the flatline photo. I will be the first to admit that clowns aren’t my usual thing though so I absolutely could be wrong.

As far as the magpie… I’ve seen a couple places also mention it may have used the problematic Desert gene.
But apparently there was a discussion on it (and bonus mention of flatline) here before as well: