Put up any cool Reptile/Critter Names you want to offer for use by the community!
They can be species specific, or not. I’ll give some examples.
I saw a dog once, a saggybaggy neapolitan mastiff, named Lady Catherine DeBourgh. I think someone should name their Mainland Retic, Blood python or big Boa that.
I want to see a green Vine snake or Rhino rat snake get named Haricot-Vert. (say: Harrico-vair) A green kind of string bean.
I want to see a Western Hognose named Wicker Basket.
My ultra dark Acid combo girl I named ‘Nacthexen’ (German - Night Witch)
The BlkEnchi Butter OD (poss Cypress, poss YB) that I recently posted up is named ‘Fucanglong’ after one of the four primary Chinese dragons
My Freeway Enchi Pastel Pin (that I also recently posted) is ‘Rhinemaiden’ after Wagner’s goddess of gold
My chondro is named ‘Envy’
Two of my Calabar boas are ‘Iwod’ and ‘Iba’. Iwod-Iba is the region’s Efik people’s name for the species. Three other of my Calabar are ‘Okukubarakpa’, ‘Obubit ifọt’, and ‘Mkpọsọk’ after the Efik people’s mythical serpent, their term for “black witchcraft”, and their “land of the dead”, respectively
My black milk snake is ‘Oxomoco’ after the Aztec goddess of night
Bat named Renfield
Milk Snake named Udder
Corn Snake named Pop
Jungle Boa named Tarzan
Corn Dog named Batter
Devil Dog named Taz
Sand Boa named Desert
Python named Monty
House snake named 3 Bath
My daughter wants a hognose named Hogwarts. And my BP with Alien heads is named Bishop. My Jones armadillo lizard is Jonesi. Our Cuban Falsie is named Antoine, which means (I’m told) Precious One. Our BGK is named King Louis after the Junglebook character.My Arizona Blonde tarantula is named Debbie Harry.
I’ve got a cat we call, “Beanjamin” but “Bean” for short.
His sister is a black cat “Void”
My very defensive ball python, a killer queen bee is named after an anime character, “Jolyne”
My last dog was named after Ashley Graham in Resident Evil 4 when it first came out. Her parents were listed as:
Ozzy’s Summertime Girl and High Hills Bouregard
I named one of my rescue BPs after Zuko in Avatar tla because he was badly burned.
My Cresties are…Gregory, Squanchy, Dobby, Daisy, Dooby, & Tinley. I have a Gargoyle named Dandy. Marble gecko named Mossy Oak. A pair of viper geckos…Indrik & Morel.
Our boops aren’t particularly clever named but we like our themes
Our BP’s are named after places around the World: Helena,Memphis,Faiyum,Versailles,Petra,Marrakesh,Cairo,Phoenix,Argos,Delphi
Our Corns are Nature:
Magnolia, Dahlia,Jasper,Lilly,Argonite,Fennel
Our breeder Rats (the ones that will never be food) are named ironically after food:
Mallow,Blackberry,Biscotti,HoneyBun,Moonpie,Carolina Reaper,(she is spicy but a wonderful momma) and finally our main male who is named Lunchbox cause well he gets all the food
We treat them as pets which I understand for some that is a controversial subject but we spoil them and treat them with the respect we feel the deserve. Happy healthy food = happy healthy snakes.