Fun or Unique Animal Name Ideas

We have an axolotl salamander named Sticky Jim, a smooth sided toad named Meatloaf, a burmese python named Dandelion, and I also have a barking gecko named Mammal Sponge. She hatched sooner than I expected and the only suitable enclosure I had around was a plastic shoe box we kept the sponge for our mammal dishes in. It was labelled “mammal sponge” and I just never got around to giving her a real name :rofl:

Our most popular animal to date though was a white’s tree frog that came to us at 150g. He was named Cousin and I think his name played a big part in how well loved he was by our following <3


Mammal Sponge…
I think you win for Weirdest! I love it!


So far my favorite names that I’ve used are:

Rosalee (from Grimm)
Rampart (first baby bp that I ever hatched, from MI to boot)
Brunhilde (sadly the baby I used this for failed to thrive, so I may end up using it again some day)
Virgil (got a laugh out of an old lady at work with this one when I was listing out the names of everyone)
Kitkat (for a huffy baby gopher snake)


Pretty sure it’s illegal to name a BEL ball python anything but Lucy.

I’ve seen a gopher snake named Udon (like the noodles).

The Phoenix Herpetological Society had a tailless alligator by the name of Mr. Stubbs.


I should probably mention my own reptiles’ names…

My Black Eyed Lucy Ball Python is called Finnley.
Finnley is spelled that way to take pity on Strict Anglophone people. It’s actually Fionnlagh, which is one of many Irish names referring to their ideal of whiteness as beauty- Fionn means Fair or Pale.

My Black African House Snake is named Sangfroid.
It’s French and you say it Sanng-frwa. Even English sometimes uses the word to refer to someone’s sense of poise and calm- they have a certain sangfroid, or composure. It felt like a good name for an animal know for a calm and docile, tolerant nature. Literally? It means Cold Blooded.


I usually end up giving my pets old-fashioned human names. I’m not sure why, but I guess I just like that they’re sort of classy and dignified. I especially like names from literature, mythology, and history.

My sand boa is Phoebe. Initially I’d wanted to give her some sort of name from a mythology from the parts of Africa where KSBs are native…but I just wasn’t able to find a name from those sources that really suited her. But while I was researching various mythologies from around the world, I stumbled across Phoebe (who was a Titan in Greek mythology), and it just seemed to fit her. She looks like a Phoebe.

My blood python is Mina. Mina is the name of the main female character in Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Get it? Because she’s a blood python? I’m so clever. :roll_eyes::joy:

My western black widow is Delilah. I just needed the name of a femme fatale character who led a man to ruin for a black widow. I’ve always liked the name Delilah, so it seemed perfect.

My tarantulas are Mathilde and Pixie. Those names don’t really have stories, I just liked them and they seemed to suit the tarantulas well.


A large portion of my Snakes…have DBZ reference names! Lol. & old sci fi movie characters


If I ever get a Crestie their name will be YEET.


I know it is not for a reptile or a pet animal but I really want a baby human girl named Aidan Nicole Hensen :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


That is random :rofl:


Yep it is lol :joy::joy::joy::joy:


That is an amazing name for a crestie.


We have a hedgehog named Sister. My 1st grandson was around 2 I think when he named her. We had a male at the time and couldnt convince him that it wasn’t Tobias’s sister.


My friend’s dog’s name is Sir Oliver Fluffybottoms III


We had a tiny Yorkie named Renfield and I called him Renny Britches.

Then we had another Yorkie named Wolfgang but I called him Woobie


All of my friends wanted me to name my gecko Princess Celestia from my little pony


I like to name stuff after where its from and their significance in cultures like in india lizards are valued and have the same meaning of the jade gemstone so the next female leo i get i’m naming jade


Oh, had a cornsnake named Houdini. Yes, he was an escape artist!


My retic was named SpongeBob

My two Dumerils boas were Thing 1 and Thing 2


I had a red dalmatian crested gecko named Mr. Sticky.

My newest, the Mangrove Snake is named Chicken Elizabeth Nugget.

(It just tickles me pink to give such an awesome and advanced level RF Venomous Arboreal Colubrid an absolutely ridiculous name.)

My ball python is named José. Which, of course it is.

I’d like to name a snake Jake. Like Jake, from Snakefarm.

I also have a Monty Python because why the heck not. And he’s a carpet python, which in my biased opinion is the most suitable snake for the name.

Besides a Boelens that is… you know… because it’s the holy grail of snakes… (I’ll see myself out :joy:)

There’s also Mr. Moustachio, who was my scaleless hybrid rat snake that looked like he had a mustache.

And if i ever got a frog, i would name him Mr. Bibbit.