Future Pet Projects (Feedback Helpful!)

Looks like a great list! If you like the NC geckos and are interested in breeding but want a species with a less saturated market, you could always look into something like gargoyles or Chahuoas. Leachies are awesome too, though it’s my understanding that they’re a little more difficult to keep and a good deal more difficult to breed.

No, definitely not.


I do really like gargs, so I’ll absolutely consider this moving forward :thinking: :thinking:


What about western/eastern rat snakes? I know I would love to have an eastern but they are illegal in pa from what I can tell. Don’t know about what they are like in Ohio (I didn’t just make that up did I?).


I’d love a rat snake, of any kind really. Blue beauties are my favorite but I know they aren’t exactly very friendly :joy:

I am currently in Ohio! I have no idea if the Easterns are restricted here :thinking: :thinking:

I love how interactive and personable rats are and would love to add one to the group!


And just wondering, why did you chose CRB over a Brazilian?


@caron up above mentioned the BRBs may tend to be a little bit more flighty, so I have CRB down currently but need to do more research into RBs overall before a purchase is made obviously


Really? I have always herded that they are pretty much the same just BRBs have more morphs and are just prettier (in my opinion). They all have different personalities but with a bit of work, they can both become very friendly and have great personalities.


& @cmills I said that BRBs are more flighty than other boas such as the one that @jawramik has. The emphasis is on BRAZILIAN RAINBOW boa.

I know this because I speak from experience since I had a BRB from baby to adult as well as CAs from babies to adults…My CAs were a bit calmer.

EDIT TO ADD: I have zero experience with the CRB however. But if you know differently Logan than you would be the best to advise……


I also agree that I find BRBs to be more visually appealing, so maybe I’ll save a rainbow boa until I have lots of experience so that I can deal with whatever I get, species and sass level


Maybe I’m weird, but I actually prefer the look of BIs/BCs. Rainbow boas have beautiful colours to be sure, but I just find the head and body shape of boa constrictors so appealing. Something about their angular heads and rectangular bodies looks so cool to me.

I don’t think that rainbow boas are necessarily any more challenging than most of the species on your list in terms of temperament, especially if socialized properly when young (though I’ve never owned one, so take that with a grain of salt). But I feel like their high humidity requirements just makes their husbandry more challenging. Or at least, it would if you live in a pretty dry climate like me (she says, as an atmospheric river dumps water on her roof for the 5th day in a row :joy:).


I also live somewhere pretty dry and keeping my hermit crab tank suitably humid is absolutely a challenge (especially in the winter months, these heaters just suck the water molecules from the air)

Hopefully keeping some NC geckos will give me some smaller scale humid climate keeping experience first :thinking:

But I agree, I love the look of BCIs more than rainbows, tbh I mostly like the iridescence of rainbows


May I suggest an IMG boa? The best of both worlds! (Yes I’m biased lol). A BCI with stunning iridescence :blush: though I will admit, not quite as iridescent as a rainbow boa. I don’t think many snakes beat out the rainbow boa in that regard, except perhaps sunbeam snakes


Uh ohhhhhh I do love me some boasssss, plus since I’m getting my first boa from @lumpy and I know IMG will be in some of his future projects maybe I can eventually purchase an IMG from him as well!!


I just have to recommend IMG boas whenever I can. Probably one of my favorite snakes in terms of looks and temperament. I absolutely adore my IMG girl. Just can’t beat that boa personality!


I’m honestly so so so excited for my first boa, whenever that day comes, worth the wait 1000%!


Can’t help but agree with ya!
Mine will be male, I’m not sure I can handle how big a girl can get


I totally get ya there. Isn’t your IMG a lady?


I don’t have a boa yet. I’m the one who wants one, but won’t be able to get one for at least probably another year.

(I just GOTTA move out soon)


Omg your black and white profile pic made me think you were @anon5387911 who DOES have a female IMG lol! Silly me, I totally merged the two of you together into one being :joy:


Lol, I can definitely see that happening!