Future Pet Projects (Feedback Helpful!)

Yeah, I definitely recommend an IMG boa if you like iridescence. :wink: Even as a baby, the black saddles on my girl absolutely shimmer, it’s so gorgeous.

But rainbows are cool because you get that oilslick iridescence on a lighter base colour. That fiery orange that reflects rainbows is pretty spectacular, not gonna lie. Not sure if the lighter morphs like albino and caramel retain that iridescence. Or maybe they have that more subtle shimmer/glow like albino retics. :person_shrugging: Never seen one in person, so I couldn’t say.


Uh oh, looks like I’ll need one of each then! Man I hope I can score a decent job :joy: :joy:


@cmills I can totally see how you got us confused! Yes, my IMG boa is a lady


@logar I’ve been looking at rat snakes for my aesthetics project and you’re right, I absolutely need a rat snake at some point…now just to figure out what kind…


So I started doing research on if easterns are legal in pa again and it turns out that they are. Why does PA Fish and Boat Commission have to be so confusing :smiling_face_with_tear:.

some of my favorite rat snakes are Easterns (My favorite of which are the yellow, everglade, and “standard” variations), Baird’s rat snakes, Red-tailed green rat snakes, green rat snakes (Senticolis triaspis), Western rat snakes (texas specifically), russian rat, king rat, twin spot rats, and trans pecos rat snakes.

Then again, that is the majority of the commonly kept species :sweat_smile:. I just love me some rat snakes!


I love the look of albino black rats (which are part of the Eastern group I believe), and they would probably be easier in terms of care. Visually stunning but more difficult for me would be blue beauties or manderin


Question: I have done TONS of research on cresties and their care, would that research be mostly applicaple to garg care? I think most NC geckos can be housed similarly (makes sense, same island), and that gargs may just require more coverage and less handling because they can be flightier.

Can my crestie research basically be a NC small gecko care guide? I know leachies need more space obvi, but similar care otherwise


For care I’d say they are very similar; but I think you have this backwards. My experience and talking with larger breeders that do both. Gargs are usually much less flighty and likely to jump/run than cresties are.


I would say somewhat. I have heard that leachies and chewies need it warmer. From what I have heard and read, giving them a basking spot of around 82 and and a slightly higher ambient of 75 is recommended. Gargs also do like it slightly warmer than cresties as well but it isn’t as important as it is with the other two. There are also some breeding differences but I am assuming that isn’t important right now. Along with leachies needing bigger enclosures, Chewies should be kept in 24x18x24 absolute minimum but bigger is definitely recommended. Same thing goes for Saras.

There are also a lot of other less kept spieces of gecko from New Cal but I don’t know much about them


Oh! Well this is nice to hear! I must have just read an anecdotal case of zoomie gargs then! Thank you!


I saw one super cool uncommon species on here at some point but forgot to write their name down :sob: :sob:


Eurydactylodes (chameleon gecko)?


Nope, from what I remember they looked like if a crestie and a mourning gecko mixed and it was banded I think? I might be creating a false memory as we speak lmao


I think there is something like Robusta that I saw for sale a little while back


I find gargoyle geckos to be super appealing.

Good to know. Just in case. Heh heh heh.


I fully encourage anyone considering to get one. My two have both been amazing, and made me want more. I’m on the fence currently about importing one from Canada that I’ve fallen in love with lol


Good to know. I have been in the fence for a while. We’re supposed to be moving, and I don’t want to add a whole new kind of herp before that. Hopefully that will happen by early summer. Then, who knows?


Was it the Correlophus sarasinorum that Logan mentioned prior? I think he referred to them just as Saras, but that would be something similar to what you’re describing I’d think


Thats them!!! Thank you!!
(And thank your for the garg encouragement!)


I’m now super obsessed with blood pythons (my favorite of the STPs), so things on my list are shifting around like crazy!

  • Gargoyle gecko (s) - easier care/feeding, less space

  • BCI boa (sterling, maybe an IMG too)

  • Blood python (wild type, matrix, etc)

  • BTS

  • Bullsnake

  • Possible ratsnake (albino black rat?)

The first 3 are my ‘musts’ and any that follow will be ‘if I have space/money’

Now just to do more research on care, ensclosures, etc!