I love this time of year!!! Nothing like when your females start getting the glow!! Wanted to share some pictures of some glowing females. Please share pictures of your glowing gals too!!!
I’ll admit, I’m a bit lost. What do you mean by “glow”?
The glow before they go!!! It’s a color change in gravid females.
Ah, thank you!
I’m sure someone could give a more scientific explanation… and your welcome!!!
Maybe @t_h_wyman could explain it more scientifically
I love seeing the glow in my Mojave Vanilla Sulfur girl, she gets super bright!
The first picture is of her glow and ovulation, second is her after her prelay shed.
Man I love this gal!!! Super nice!!! Love vanilla creams! And sulfur definitely is a bit different than the fire version. Awesome gal!! @walkergirl what did you pair her with again? It was so Eunice I remember that lol.
I paired her to a Super Pastel GHI 66% het Clown this time. Last year she gave me an 11 egg clutch, so we will see how many she gives me this year! Sulfur does seem a bit different from Fire, I’m interested to see what all it changes in combos.
Man that is a killer pairing!! Sulfur ghi mojave would be
I think so too! ID’ing should be easy since everything will have to be Pastel and either Sulfur or Vanilla, but I’m going to be holding back everything with GHI until I can prove out the het Clown in the dad. I really hope he proves out, I would love to make some GHI Clown combos in the future!
Should be pretty easy for sure!! Besides knowing if it’s sulfur or vanilla!!!
Yeah lol, I should get better at telling them apart as I get more experienced. Vanilla seems more subtle in the single gene form, but it’s harder to tell in combos.
I can usually pick them out. Vanilla is one of the genes I’ve been working the longest with. You will be able to tell the difference the more experience you get! I love super vanilla combos! I personally prefer them over the creams!
Well now I know who to ask for help with that then lol! I will ask for your help ID’ing it in her clutches, until I learn how to do it myself!
Would be more than happy to help!!!
@walkergirl that is one gorgeous snake! Love to see some of her offspring!
@saleengrinch thanks for that address on the color change my 12 year old swore I was crazy because I always know when a girls about to lay and I told her the color looks like it’s faded and shiney at the same time. I even took pics of all my Gravid snakes and was going to wait 6 months and photograph them again to to prove i wasn’t loosing my mind. I just showed her this last night… apparently you are crazy too though. So there’s that.
She’s not as much into breeding snakes yet as she is into enjoying them as pets. She’s more into the four legged scallies. I fairly certain we’d have a dinosaur caged up in the back field if it were possible
Story of my life lol
Thank you! I have a post showing her clutch from last year if you want to check those out (it’s called “First Clutch has shed! ID help?”), or you can wait a bit for her next clutch to hatch! She is due to lay on Feb 6th but she made me wait a few weeks after her due date last year, hopefully she won’t make me wait so long this time lol.