Guess the morph. Can you cant ID it?.
I know what it is for sure. I will evidence how later.
OK its a trick guess the morph, so a bit unfair so I will help.
You can say what it looks like and also what you think it is.
Point: you can never be sure by looks alone.
Or maybe you can prove me wrong.
Be brave, its just for fun but also research and learning
Its an experiment
Edit: its just a fairly basic morph, nothing complex or new.
I believe I see just a Mojave here.
lesser cinnamon? I am horrible with ball morphs
Looks Mojave to me also
Mojave seemed like the obvious choice so I decided to think of something that can look somewhat similar. I am probably waaaayyyyyyyyyyyy off
I don’t know morphs either but I say Mojave too!
I would say Mojave with Pastel or Vanilla based on the blushed head. Possibly het for Hypo.
Sometimes a phantom/mystic can look a little Mojaveish (I am aware that’s not a real word🤣) so my guess is mystic, pastel?
Pastel mojave or mystic/phantom, as far as I’m aware the only way to tell their difference from mojave is to see the belly.
I’m no help at all here. Just wanted to thank everyone and say I’m enjoying the thread.
Thanks to all the comments.
Yes all those who said Mojave are right in a way or maybe right but I find it hard to accept. It truly looks Mojave. But… it has to be a strange looking lesser.
I don’t think it can be Mojave. The female is a BEL super Lesser and the male was a typical lesser.
I know the female was a BEL super lesser and not a BEL lesser/mojave because the BEL babies had Bug eyes which is only a super lesser thing.
It just goes to show we cant always tell just from looks alone and how hard it can be without a full guaranteed history.
There is still a small possibility I am wrong though. you decide. Feel free to tell me if you think so.
I guess the female could have been a lesser/mojave, but the odds of the bug eyes…
Or there could be something else in the BEL but no markings on UV test, just the Super lesser stripe.
Here are the adults and the whole clutch.
Male lesser and female BEL (I did not produce the BEL and that’s not my dirty fingernails )

All Hatchlings:-
Is it really possible for a lesser to look so Mojave?
I would say you can’t guarantee that the moms a super lesser based on this.
If mom were a lesser Mojave; and dads a lesser, you’ll get super lessers from that pairing as well. Odds have done crazier things. It’s possible it’s a dark lesser, as I’ve seen some pics of some that look way too much like a Mojave to tell a difference. After all they are in the same complex so will share a lot of similarities.
Don’t forget, if the BEL is actually a Mojave Russo, and the male is Lesser. You could easily account for the combos without having bug-eys and having both Lesser and Mojave present in single gene form. The BEL is too white to be super Mojo and I would think Super Lesser would have produced at least one bug-eyed animal out of four BELs. I am still convinced that there is Het Hypo at play more now than ever, based on the look of the Lesser Male. Most often when you see that clean and bright a Lesser, there is a copy of hypo hanging out in the background. Have you ever paired him with a visual Hypo. May want to give it a try. Cool mystery.
Wow colors don’t even have that lesser butter look! Nice “game” @ascended I agree with what both @nswilkerson1 and @graysnake suggested might be going on. I have seen some unique lessers but usually with other subtle type genes such as granite, the color though usually gives them away. @graysnake may be right on about having het influence and being a dark lesser! Maybe you have some form of black back type gene floating around in there somewhere? Something is definitely going on there! Cool unique “just” lesser!
RareGenetics should be releasing the BEL gene tests in the coming months, I think it would be a great idea to send in a shed to test mom. I second what other folks have said, you could have still gotten super lessers if mom was a lesser/mojave, so I don’t think that’s enough to rule out mojave in mom. It could also be that mom retained sperm from a previous sire who had mojave. Pastel lessers have a very different color palette from the baby you posted - yours is definitely a mojave combo.
I will add as well that regardless of mojave/lesser, that baby is 1000% pastel, so either mom is hiding pastel or it was retained sperm from a male carrying pastel as well.
All valid and interesting comments, I am moving on my position.
I am tempted to get a super Mojave male to test out if she really is a super Mojave.
Not sure how to test the other ideas out though.
But then again, the odds could still be crazy
I would breed her to a plain albino or something else recessive, then everything you have would be normal hets and should be able to see if you’re getting a mix Mojave’s/lessers
Welcome to the community and thanks for joining in the discussion.
That sounds like a plan, I have plenty of albinos.
My only concern is the market currently for normal looking hets if I get a percentage of those.
I will consider it though.