I stopped by a random pet store & this girl caught my attention. She was labeled as a Female BCI possibly a Salmon. I passed on her cause I wanted more info. A week later the girlfriend & I went back, couldn’t pass her up again. I worked out a good deal on her but we are still pretty clueless on what she is. Any help would be appreciated on that.
She has smaller eyes and head with a pretty thick body. Not fat but like a ball python almost
My guess by her looks is a hypo jungle.
Hopefully, she is het albino. That would be nice for you. I would get a male albino or sunglow and breed her. This way, if she doesn’t prove out, at least all the babies will be 100 % het albino. Don’t breed her until she is over 15 lbs. I perpher 20 lbs. Being gravid takes a lot out of female boas.
The smaller head is common for some morphs depending on what the parents were. I call this look the pit bull look.
All morphs are some typ of cross to anyway.
Once she sheds for you, please post a new picture of her. I would like to see her true colors.
Super pretty girl, I love her pattern! I was going to guess hypo jungle, glad to see the experts agree. Her head shape is definitely different from what I’d expect for a standard BI.
Agreed. My best guess was a Hypo/ Jungle but I’ve seen a decent amount of combos on the Market that look so much like her. The stocky body and shorter head makes me curious if there’s something weird in there also
It could be that the head shape is related to a particular locality in her lineage. I’m definitely not an expert in locality boas, so I couldn’t say which locality is responsible for the head shape.
I have a few hypo stripe(jabronski) jungles with similar looks. I bet it has a ventral row of spots down the belly along the edges of ventral scales, jungle marker for all my MTH. Has a blunt face and chonky cheeks like a Sonoran(het lep?). Doesn’t look het lep but the jungle looks influenced by the leopard complex of boas or one of the other dwarfs. Salmon line has a lotta pepper like her. Perhaps Hypo Super Jungle, such a common genetic morph, lotta supers that make that look too.
That’s one of the things I thought she might be a dwarf since she has the body like a ball python. And the hypo salmon jungle has crossed my mind more than once