Help with Ball Pythons health

there was no quarantine because I took it two weeks ago and they were all in different containers. but I would like to disinfect for everyone.

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No, no, no Iā€™m sorryā€¦disinfect everything the pied came in contact withā€¦the tub, tools, water bowlā€¦I sorry I should have clarified


Disinfect and then rinse off anything that the pied came into contact with, please do not try to disinfect your snakes. You can use bleach on containers, hides, bowels, scales, etc (I use a 10% solution and let it sit for half an hour) and then rinse off well before using them.


all understood a big thank you. then due to what disease died pied is it a mystery are there any options?

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No mystery to me starvation. Underlying causes not sure without a necropsy.


I agree with @thecrawdfather looks like malnutrition.


You can have a vet do a necropsy. If you keep the body in the refrigerator (not the freezer) then you can wait a couple days to get it done. If you already froze it then there will be no way to tell the cause.


I third @thecrawdfather and @saleengrinchā€¦unfortunately that animal hadnā€™t eaten in a very long timeā€¦I donā€™t think you have anything to worry about with your other animalsā€¦give your other animalā€™s enclosers a cleaning, if only for peace of mind. I think youā€™re good.


I worry about others. thanks to everyone who helped I will turnšŸ‘