How many reptiles do you own?

Sunglow motley boa constrictor: Female (Athena)
Albino(kahl) boa constrictor: Male (unamed)
Normal Colombian boa constrctor: Female (bodacious)


Extreme reverse okeetee: Female (sunfire)
Amelanistic: Female (margarita)
Tessera Ultramel: Female (marmalade)
Snow: Male (quicksilver)
Amel: Male (lychee)
Amber tessera: Male (Romeo)


Boas! They are my favorites! I can’t wait to produce my very own Sterlings in a few years.
Fun fact: I was actually going to get a female sunglow for my first snake but I ended up with a male hypo. Now I have a female anery sterling :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.


It’s really nice to see that I am not the only person with a lot of animals. All my non-reptile friends think I’m crazy for having over 40 snakes alone. Along with my snakes, spiders and boxies, I had a collection of 20 various New Caledonian Geckos, a collection of 30+ tarantulas and 8 water turtles, all of which I rehomed due to moving from Southern Cali to Florida. The Box Turtles I currently have are being rehomed to a friend that works at LLL Reptiles.


I feel that this thread needs to be started back up again lol.

1.0 Northern Blue Tongue (Potato)
1.0 Crested Gecko (Neptoon)
1.0 Texas Rat snake (Elmo)
1.0 American Toad (Pandora- long story on that name)
0.1 American Toad (Spotify)
0.0.1 Northern Slimy Salamander (Eggroll)
0.0.1 Northern Green Frog (I just call him the frog)

My brother’s:
0.1 ball python (Finn)
0.1 leopard gecko (nugget)

My family’s:
0.1 Blue and Gold Macaw (BJ)


If I count only mine/my wife’s:
2.2 Corn Snakes
1.0 Ball Python
1.0 Crested Gecko
0.1 Canis lupus familiaris (adopted at an expo, so she’s our honorary reptile)

My roommate has another 8 snakes on top of that, so between that and our other mammals we have a pretty full house. Thankfully I also have a pretty empty wishlist :sweat_smile:


Wow, I need to update this :upside_down_face:. I went from 2 boas to 5 boas and a corn snake :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.


1.0 2018? hypo boa (Kai)
0.1 2021 Anery Sterling boa (Willow)
0.1 2022 Sunglow Motley Jungle (Sherbet)
1.0 2022 Albino het RLT ( Mr. Sorbet)
1.0 2022 IMG Sterling 66% het VPI (Slim Shady)

Corn snakes

0.1 2022 Amelanistic Het Anerythristic 50% Het Caramel Het Motley OR Het Stripe, ph Diffused, Hypo, Lavender, then also the remote possibility of Cinder/Dilute/Scaleless (Leaky :upside_down_face:)


0.1 Maxx Pink Argentine boa (Dratini)

1.0 Cute beardie

0.0.1 (i assume that means don’t know what it’s sex is) Crestie (Spike)

1.1 Jumping Spiders (Pluto and Venus (plus tons of babies))


I’ll play along….

0.1 VPI Pink Panther Boa Imperator

Corn Snakes
1.0 Red Factor Extreme Okeetee het Amel Corn Snake
1.0 Extreme Okeetee het Amel Corn Snake

1.1 Red het Hypo Stillwater, 66% Albino
1.1 Red/Orange Hypo Stillwater pos het Hannum/Red Hypo
1.0 Stillwater Hypo het Axanthic (Miami)
1.0 Hannum/Red Hypo het Albino pos het Whiteside
0.1 Albino Whiteside het Hypo (Trumbower)
0.1 Hypo Albino (Trumbower) “Hybino” het Axanthic (Ballum)
1.0 Hypo/Axanthic (Trumbower/Ballum) “Ghost” het Albino pos het Whiteside


I’m not exactly sure how many I have, but I’ll do my best to list them all.
African fat tailed geckos 2.9
Crested Geckos 3.5.9
Leopard Geckos 4.5
Mourning Geckos 0.11

Honduran Milksnake 0.1
Kenyan Sand Boa 2.3
Western Hognose 2.2

The AFT and cresties were harder than I thought to visualize how many I have, but the numbers I came up with are at least close.


2 grey banded kingsnakes
1 cornsnake
1 Mexican black kingsnake
1 hognose snake
2 ball pythons
3 boas

4 cresties
3 leopard geckos
2 day geckos
2 morning geckos
1 jones armadillo lizard
1 blue tongue skink
1 bearded dragon

13 tarantulas (I’m not going to try to name all of them.)

1 hedgehog
3 cats
1 dog


I do think I have ever seen a beardie with that stubby of a face :rofl:. Cute is an understatement


What did I do :grinning:


Oh goodness. I’m not sure I should do this :joy:

17 hognose snakes
8 amazon tree boas
6 beaded lizards
5 rattlesnakes
6 Boa Imperator
4 carpet pythons
1 Alterna
1 Alterna Hybrid
9 corn snakes
21 California Kingsnakes
2 Blue Tongue Skinks
5 Leopard Geckos
1 Albino Checkered Garter
2 MBKs
1 Blood Python
2 Leucistic Texas Ratsnakes
2 Tarantulas
1 California Mountain Kingnsnake
1 Retic (Groot passed recently due to a freak accident)
2 Bairds Ratsnakes
93 Ball Pythons (Including hatchlings that are for sale)
4 Honduran Milksnakes

I’m sure I missed some stuff but that’s pretty close. I lumped a lot together but I keep 23 species in total🤦‍♂️


Holy guacamole @ballornothing ! That’s impressive! How do you have the time? Do they all have names? Heck, I struggle with remembering the names of our 9 snakes!


That is quite a difference from 2 years ago!


This also needs an update

1.1.6 Gargoyle Geckos
1.2 Ball Pythons
0.1 Boa Imperator
1.0 Ackie Monitor
0.1 African Bullfrog
0.1 Amazon Milkfrog
0.0.1 Heterometrus Spinifer
0.1 Brachypelma Vagans


So far…
0.1 wild-type blood python subadult
0.1 wild-type Kenyan sand boa adult

Plus inverts:
G. pulchripes (golden-knee tarantula)
T. albopilosus (curly haired tarantula)
L. hesperus (Western black widow)
S. mccookie (meadow wolf spider… probably, not totally certain on that species ID)


I have employees that come on a weekly basis and do most of the cleaning and water changes. All of my wife’s reptiles have names, but I shy away from naming breeders because I typically retire them to pet homes after a few seasons of breeding.

The funny thing is that list had just seen me cut down by about 50 ball pythons. I’m in the process of doing it again but the market isn’t helping. I’m perpetually trying to have less ball pythons :joy:

The most reptiles I’ve had at one time was just shy of 250. I think I have 186 right now but at least 40 of them are young ball pythons and kingsnakes that are for sale. My eventual goal with ball python is to only have 10 breeder females and a few males I just need to wrap up a couple projects before I really start to cut numbers.


Just three Cresties lol.

Hopefully not gonna stay like that forever:)


Why didn’t you include their names? :joy: