Hi there! I am a veterinarian in need for some images for a chapter in reptile reproduction. I was looking for some pictures and I would be very grateful if anyone could provide them or have someone you know may provide them. I am in need of a lemon frosted leopard gecko, Enigma leopard gecko, super Motley boa and jaguar carpet python. I would also like to have a few pictures of newborn reptiles. Pictures are property of the author and would be properly acknowledged. Thank you very much and looking forward to hearing from you.
**This is a picture of a spay in a red eared slider (Trachemys scripta)
Here are some pictures for you. They are albino and sunglow Boa Constrictors. Some of them are motley jungle to.
These are my pictures and boas. I am giving you permission to use any of them.
Tom McCarthy of McCarthyBoas.com
I notice that all the traits you are looking for are related to known issues… These may also help you in your work.
Yes, you are correct. I have found some pictures in porphpedia but I will need for the owner to provide the picture rather than me copying it from there. Is there anyway for me to reach to those? Thanks!
When you click on the pictures to enlarge them, the name of the owner will be listed underneath the photo. The photos are all either user submitted here on the forum or taken from the sale pages, so you can easily look up the breeder in the store directory and message them.
Thank you very much for the pictures. Can you send me via email picture #2 of BCCXBCI cross boas and picture #2 of the albino and sunglow Boa Constrictors? If you can send them to me via email, I believe I should be able to get better quality image. My email address is davidmjvet@hotmail.com. Thank you very much, I really appreciate your help.
Hi there! Thank you very much for your help. Can you send me the image via email? I think I would be able to get a better quality image by doing so. My email address is davidmjvet@hotmail.com. Thanks!
Thank you for the picture! Could you send it to my email at davidmjvet@hotmail.com? Can you also indicate company name and location? That way I could properly acknowledge the picture. Thanks again!
Are their any particular angles/body parts that you need pictures of?
Also, if you need some proofreaders I’m sure you’ll get some great feedback sharing the finished product here
Getting the requested morph pictures was the biggest priority. Other than that, it is just some good quality pictures of newborns.
I am not sure how much I am able to share the chapter as, at the end, it is still property of the publishing company. In any case, If I can, I would be happy to post it here.
Well, be sure to share a link when it’s published
Also, please feel free to reach out to the community any time
Hi there and welcome to the forum! I’m a retired DVM myself! Where do you practice? I wanted to go into exotic vet med but ended up too disabled to work pretty shortly after graduation following a work accident. Learn from me and get reliable support staff and disability insurance!
I have pics of newborn leopard geckos and can take pictures of my Enigma, DM me if interested. It is going to be difficult to hunt down pictures of an Enigma with no other morphs involved. Mine is a Stealth- a Mack Snow (single-copy) + Eclipse + Bell Albino + Enigma, a young adult male named Icarus. But if a photo of Icarus is printed I either don’t want it credited to me or I insist on a caption stating that I did not breed him. I do not condone Enigma breeding and don’t want anyone in the vet med community getting the mistaken impression that I am ok with it or produced him myself.
White & Yellow and Mack Snow in leos have also historically (sometimes) been associated with health issues. it’s my understanding that current thought attributes this to inbreeding during initial efforts to propagate the morph and that efforts to selectively breed those issues out have been mostly successful.
Since Lemon Frosts are so frowned upon, and with good reason, you are going to have a hard time finding someone in the USA who will agree to share pics. My suggestion would be contacting a Youtuber I’ve come across who rescues multiple leos with morph-related neurologic issues. HERE is a link to her Youtube channel. She has many Enigmas, a Lemon Frost, and both Mack Snows and White & Yellows that have the associated-but-probably-not-inherently-part-of-the-morph issues.
Can you send me picture 4th as well. My email is davidmjvet@hotmail.com. Thanks
Some baby ball pythons!
Here’s a baby ball python that had a knot tied in his umbilical cord. He was a bit behind of development too. I had to sever the umbilical cord and assist feed him right away.
He’s still alive though, and has eaten one meal on his own. He’s still being assist fed though until he starts eating consistently on his own.
Hi there! Thank you for the pictures. Can you send them to me to my email, davidmjvet@hotmail.com. Thank you very much!!!