I like snake sheds, do you? Share the love!

I don’t get to see my gecko sheds, he just eats it all, that’s what geckos do :smile: I guess I just had thought, why don’t snakes eat their shed to? Just a random thought :grin:


I bet it would be crunchier lol

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I love sheds too :smile:. I always seem to find a new spot or cute container to put them in.


Actually shed skins are healthy for reptiles that eat them……. :wink:

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Wow! That’s very impressive! :wink:. I love the little statue and the shed looks so pristine! :blush::heart::snake::frog::lizard:

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Oo that’s adorable, who’s the little monkey who made that one?


Omg you just totally reminded me! I have a couple hot sheds from when i visited the NERD facility! I have no idea where those are, let me see if i can find them. :thinking:


:sob: they’re missing I can’t find them! I’m so bummed! I really hope they haven’t been tossed during the move somehow! It was a gaboon and a texan rattlesnake shed. (can’t remember which specifically)

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They still had both there last I visited.

Oh no that’s not what i meant. The lovely folks at NERD gave me a couple of the spare hot sheds when i visited. I had them in a grocery bag during my move but now I can’t find them! :sob: I have no idea where they are and that sucks because besides showing them off on this thread, i wanted to display them in my new snake room. You know when you move and like, half of your stuff disappears?? I swear that’s happening to me right now.