I love the new highlighter orange in the skin, goes so well with a dark background selection (I think dark was an option I picked initially)
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I love the new highlighter orange in the skin, goes so well with a dark background selection (I think dark was an option I picked initially)
0 voters
Need more options. I don’t love it, but don’t hate it either. It’s fine.
Let’s play around with it
I’ll take some screenshots with different colours and say… top 5 with the most votes we can turn into colour scheme options?
oh, oh, try neon green or cyan
I only use the orange
I like the new orange but Ibhave bad eyes.
Can’t say I love it but it’s not to shabby Defnitely do some experimenting
Lol, when I said more options I meant to vote. But all for customization in forums.
Dont like it at all.
I liked the previous color better, but kinda enjoy the halloween vibes. Would love to see more custimization, a green, purple, or blue option would be cool!
You can now find 7 different dark colour schemes to choose from in your Interface Preferences.
Forget the vote, lets keep them all. Let us know how you like them
I like the blue best now because it is very vibrant and feels like it fits the forum because of that.
I changed mine to cyan. I like the options
Of course, you’ve got to make it a hard choice Hmm, either the cyan or green… they’re both so nice
I changed mine to cyan but might change it again later. I do really like the options though, it’s very nice to be able to customize a place i go to pretty much every 30 minutes to an hour lol.
Everyone can thank @ascended for creating this topic
I changed mine to purple! Not only because it’s my favorite color, but it matches my logo/profile pic too
The orange was pretty neat and I likely would have gotten used to it, but I like having options too!
Yep, much better. The blue is working well for me.
Ha, I changed mine to green for the same reason!