I do a lot of DIY electronics stuff and I have had this raspberry pi zero with a camera sitting around for a while and decided to put it to work. I originally set it up as a sort of security camera with motion detection but my cats constantly triggered the detection and made life difficult.
What I used:
- Raspberry Pi Zero W - $10
- 16 gig micro SD card - $5
- Raspberry Pi Zero case - $10
- Raspberry Pi Camera with no IR filter - $25
Total cost: $50
- Rpi Cam Control - https://github.com/silvanmelchior/RPi_Cam_Web_Interface
Setup is pretty simple if you can follow instructions and onscreen prompts. I can make this available on the internet by opening a port in my firewall and setting up a Dynamic DNS service like
https://www.noip.com/ or https://dyn.com/dns/.