Investment animals

How it is, similar with boas I think — at least with the imperator variety anyways. Why I’m not planning on breeding my normal female but might pick up a male for the het kahl girl later on.

Oh yeah, for sure! My two are little piggies about food so I definitely would need to be more mindful when taking them out of the enclosure at least. I’m also short so that’s gonna be a lot of noodle to try to wrangle, better if I have someone to help me either way :joy:

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Thank you so much for your input! I just enjoy talking to people about reptiles! :snake::slightly_smiling_face:

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@caron did you check out the rubber boas?


Yes I did and thank you again for the heads up! They are gorgeous! But then I knocked myself back into my financial reality because I just purchased another snake a couple of weeks ago for 560.00 and I just could not justify another 650.00 plus shipping so soon.

That being said, since I have a lead on another prospect next summer, I will be a position to recoup some of those funds for a rubber boa.

All these years I have been looking for one and now……! But I am pretty happy with this new little snake!

Thank you so much again for your interest!

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I had a similar situation and while i could probably do 700 i then would be extremely tapped for money for my needs such as food. Anyone else notice the insane prices at the grocery? The increase has gotten worse in 3 years since the now getting about half my normal groceries for the same money i was spending pre-pandemic. Its rough on everyone, worse on fixed income people, we simply cannot just work a couple extra hours or whatever. I get my military pension on the 1st and i have to really budget for the entire month.

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Oh my goodness! First I want to thank you for your military service! I try to thank every first responder, emt, police person, military person etc for their service. And yes food and gas prices are much higher which affects all but the insanely rich! So I know what you mean.

But those boas are beautiful! Snakes are like Lay’s potato chips for me! I am always wanting more!!!

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Or Pokémon “you gotta catch them all” im definitely excited for this coming season but this season will only be my Snow boy/ Matrix pairing because i don’t have stock of breeders and by the time i aquire my other planned pairing such as Picasso, plus id like to pick up another Limburg Snow, i won’t have them in time for brumation. Id like to aquire a few of each morph im after so that i can rest the females ( don’t want to over tax her breeding every year. Im sure it will be about 3 years before i have the breeding pairs i need and to have nice litters. Next year i know i will get some fire babies.

@rmleone and I forgot to mention besides my 9 snakes I also have a Leopard Gecko, a Crested Gecko and a tiny Samurai Pac Man frog. I would like to have a beardie and either a tegu or an iguana, plus a leopard tortoise and a hedgehog. But I doubt these extra wants will happen! Lol!

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Its good to dream even if it won’t likely happen, you never know lighting may strike :woman_shrugging:


I love goldenchilds, the patternlessness is the best. Obviously I like that other I wouldn’t work with sterling in boas lol.


I invested really heavily into ball pythons mostly double het and double recessives. Desert ghost, hypo, pied, lav albino, albino, clown, Tsk and Vpi ax, some various dark codoms black pastel, ybelly, blackhead, redstripe, mostly everything as reduced as possible, im a pattern junkie. Wish i woulda stayed away bit more from so much with pastel in them just because it seems to wash out color. Picked up 4 bci females, img arabesque hypo, Super hypo, T-1 anery hog island, both het sharp, and an T-1 anery het Vpi, 50% costarican, img girl. But Ive been obsessed with the aboreals, picked up a pure lereh from a buddy out of a 19-20 yr old pair he has. Pretty pricey locality to get into! But love them. Got 1.2 pair of carpets recently, pure jungle male, and jungle zebra female, that is “Satan herself”, and a gamma line jungle jag.


Update I am really into olive pythons thoughts? love the albinos! I hear they are very similar to retics in the way of how they think and the intelligence.Honestly I think that they look like a carpet,retic,burm had a baby to make this awesome snake!


And retics too love high white pieds!


I just acquired a monkeytail skink. Pretty rare i plan to get a male to breed her. But only so others can enjoy them too. They have 1 baby at a time per year