This girl is 2 years old and fed once every 2 weeks on a jumbo mouce is this too much and should i reduce it? Ive not had any issues with digestion or regurgitation
That’s pretty big for her age. I don’t think she necessarily needs to lose weight, but I’d like to see her gain a little more length. I would drop the feeder size down to a medium mouse (like around 25 grams) and keep the 2 week schedule.
Definitely agree with @solarserpents. Personally I wouldn’t be feeding any adults jumbo mice at that interval, or really at all. Jumbos tend to be retired breeders and seem to have a higher fat content. You can’t really judge snakes on just age + weight, you have to consider age, weight, activity, body condition, breeding status, genetics. Some snakes will just get larger much more quickly while others will stay smaller. You can ask @lumpy about fast growing girls.
Tips for the future: the larger the meal, the bigger the feeding interval. If you’re feeding jumbos, go something like 18-21 days between feeds instead of every 2 weeks. It’s also better to feed slightly smaller than too large, imo. I never go bigger than a large for regular feedings, I’ve got all my adults on mediums right now (I tend to go by what RodentPro has better pricing on, since I buy in bulk).
Thanks! I’m planning on paring her with a male next breeding season too. Her total genes are Fire pied het anery and pos hypo so i bought a male bloodred pied het hypo and anery so hopefully she proves out hypo too. I’m just waiting for him to be shipped over. Its a paring I’m super excited for too.