Keeping busy during Covid-19 lockdown

Quite a bit of progress today on the new shelves, but then one of the boards broke; it fell off the table and just snapped in 2 lol so I’ll have to fix that tomorrow and finish putting it together. Then I get to sand it down nice and smooth and debating on whether I should put a clear coat on it or not.
I used a table saw to cut the grooves for the heat cable and thermostat probe and a rotozip rotary tool to round out the corners. I didn’t want any sharp edges cutting into the cable.

I’m waiting on a longer heat cable to come in and my led lights as I prefer to have lighted shelves. This thing is 57" long and 24" deep. The space between shelves is 10" which gives me plenty of space for the 7" tall tubs plus the leds and some space to spare on top. It will end up sitting on a wire shelf in my herp room.
These are the lights I use on my snake shelves…


Watching tv shows mostly and a couple of films, Westworld is a new one I’m starting. Manifest and Noughts & Crosses (bbc) is also great.

Also experimenting with photographs of my geckos, I’ve yet to find one I love that I want to use over and over again for all the geckos.

Thinking of trying out making some cake crested gecko cake decorations from ready to roll icing/sugar paste. (Which I’ll eat because I love eating icing on it’s own, don’t tell my dentist lol).

Thinking of finding where I lost all the DC shows as I stopped watching them when I got busy so I’ve completely lost my place where I was with them. :laughing:

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Got my incubator set up and ready to go. Should have eggs from corns and gopher x corns soon.


That’s a brilliant set up mate and quality for the price. :love_you_gesture:

I’ve got started on the decorating… The Mrs chose the colours:


But she got these which I think are super cool:


Im not sure but apparently theres been reports (dunno where or when) of Covid19 although very rare infecting our mammalian pets. I read online that a dog in hong kong tested positive for Covid19. The dog was elderly and died a few days later but its unclear if covid19 is to blame since the owner declined to do an autopsy on the dog. It said its unlikely but possible supposedly. Just wanted to give a heads-up as we seem to have lovely mammalian companions and it’d be heartbreaking if Covid got to them somehow.

Here is the PDSAs article on domestic pets and Covid-19.


As far as I had heard no cases of pets with covid-19 had been confirmed. It is possible for them to carry the virus on them certainly, but I don’t know about internally. I do know that there were reports that China at one point was telling people they should put their animals down and threatening to take animals that were seen outside, but again no confirmation. I’d say just keep your pets away from strangers and away from the dog parks for now and it shouldn’t be a problem, but I’m no medical expert, just a common sense kind of guy.

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Here’s the main point of the PDSA article:

"There are a couple of exceptionally rare cases from across the world where a pet belonging to a Covid-19 patient has tested positive for this new coronavirus – two dogs in Hong Kong and one cat in Belgium. There is no evidence to show that this new virus causes illness in pets or that they can transmit it between themselves or back to humans.

The main source of infection for the Covid-19 virus is human-to-human transmission.

Although it has not been proven, it may be possible for the virus to be carried on pet fur so care should be taken to wash hands thoroughly after touching, feeding or cleaning up after you pet, and to ensure that pets are kept separate from other households."

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@thebeardedherper staying away from Dog parks will be easy as Angel hasnt wanted to walk that route anymore and plus all dog parks are among the stuff the municipal government shut down recently after getting angry seeing dumb ppl gather in groups at child playgrounds beaches dog parks etc instead of social distancing like they are supposed to. The Canadian military has been mobilized in case the government puts everyone on house arrest type lockdown and the cops are giving heavy fines/pulling ppl over if mutliple ppl are in the same car. Its getting nuts. But Im still worried a bit for Angel as shes elderly. The fam I live with (Uncle and lil bro) both have congestive heart failure on top of it so I gotta walk on eggshells for the nxt few months.

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I’m trying to spruce up a few of my vivs…this is the progress so far with Jazz’s viv


My company is still open here in North Carolina. I work on the corporate side of branding/marketing for a few large furniture and home improvement companies so as of now we are considered “essential”. I have been able to work from home though so it has given me plenty of time to go through the snake rooms and rearrange or clean up a bit. I have also started rebuilding all my stands and tables in the rooms to match since they were kind of just thrown together from a couple years of learning how to build before getting the hang of it.

After reading through all this I may need to actually pull out the Switch or Xbox and play a bit. I haven’t in close to a year.

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Well the wife grabbed doom for me from work so I’m playing through the campaign on that and I’ve had plenty of time to focus on my blog.


Xbox, and for some reason aggressively bingeing Wild Tuna :joy: I don’t know why. Every episode is the exact same but I can’t stop :joy::rofl:


I had to triple read that then :joy:

@thebeardedherper … Shes a keeper, definitely :blush:

@pattersonmorphs get that Xbox out, you deserve the break from reality.

All these games we will plan to complete during this and yet we all know it’s going to end with us sneaking through a cave with a bow somewhere on the outskirts of Solitude :joy:


:joy::rofl: I think I fixed it

@eaglereptiles its funny because I used to have a killer bow in skyrim that would deal good damage plus moderate chance for significant elemental damage on a hit as well. Using it in Skyrim made me wanna take up Archery irl as a hobby. Then my vision got screwed in Dec 2018 and now Idk if I’d ever be any good at it. @thebeardedherper Nice. Which doom? The 2016 one or the new 2020 one? Im watching like at least 4 different youtube playthroughs of Doom 2020 (theRadBrad, Jacksepticeye Markiplier and 8bites)


I am using this opportunity to work on some vivs. :slight_smile:


Expending rat breeding because the demand never goes down, only up :roll_eyes:

So a new rack in progress.


The new one. I actually still have the last doom that came out as well but haven’t played it in a while. This new one feels like a good compromise between the old pc and snes doom and new graphics and story telling. It’s rather fast paced and I like that you can play multiplayer as the demons as well.


Please take as many pictures as you can for us while your building it :blush:.