Let’s see some Inverts

@jawramik Well ain’t you something missy! You my dear are correct! The description of what I ordered is exactly what you “diagnosed”! :joy:. It is a Purple Earth Tiger.

The incorrect label was put on the vial! It really doesn’t matter to me but I am impressed with your expertise! The next time I get a new T I am going to make sure that I know what I have! :joy:. And I am not being sarcastic or critical! You rock sweet pea!!! :heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Yes arboreal but semi terrestrial for now…. :joy::joy::joy:


@jawramik Guess I need to study up on my T’s…… I’m such a major ditz! :weary::weary::weary::joy::joy::joy:


Haha no worries. It just so happens that those two species have really similar genus names…even though they’re not closely related and are native to opposite sides of the world, some genius just had to give those two genera long, similar-sounding names, just to make everything super confusing. :roll_eyes:

I remember reading up on purple spiders a while ago, so that’s when I learned about the existence of Cyriopagopus sp. hati hati.


I am going to have to gift you with a T Jennifer!


No gifts necessary, it’s just nice to be a total geek about spiders and not be seen as a totally dysfunctional weirdo. :rofl:


Oh I think you and I are definitely in good company! :joy::joy::joy::joy:


I call this one “Tiny Spider Fears Dismembered Mealworm.” :joy:


It’s incredible that the tiny ones will eat mealworms! If I run out of crickets I have mealworms as a backup! But my wolf spider will not eat mealworms :weary:


I have to cut them in half for Pompeii, and as you can see, she’s even wary of half a mealworm (though they did eventually put aside their differences, this morning I found a dessicated mealworm husk and a fat sling :joy:). It tried to give her a cricket, but it was “too big.” It really shouldn’t have been, but when I tossed it in and it got close to her, she bolted up the wall of the enclosure and onto the ceiling to get away from it. :person_facepalming::joy: I’ve never had a spider who is so easily spooked by prey.

Most of my spiders will eat mealworms. I usually crush the heads so they won’t burrow. My widow likes the beetles they morph into as well.


I think cutting the head off makes it safer for the little spider too. Btw both of mine were out and about last night!


I don’t fully remove the heads, I just crush them so the worm won’t immediately burrow under the substrate. That’s really the only risk with mealworms: that they’ll burrow into the substrate, morph into beetles, and potentially nibble on a freshly molted T.

I do remember hearing something about how you should remove mealworm heads when you feed them to lizards, because apparently they’ll eat a lizard from the inside out if you don’t…but that always sounded ridiculous to me, so I never bothered with my bearded dragon back in the day, and I never had any issues. :person_shrugging:


Ouch! I always mashed the head of the super worms I fed Obie anyway because I have been bitten by them! But I didn’t know how to keep the meal worms from burrowing so now I know! You are a wealth of information Jennifer! :blush::pray:


Oh gosh, I’ve never been bitten by a mealworm, I didn’t realize that was a thing they did. I’ll definitely keep crushing those heads! :grimacing:


Well the super worms are a lot larger than the regular meal worms and yeah they are mean suckers!


My Avic, who I’ve started calling Aster, is most definitely in premolt! She’s been hiding more than usual and her booty is huuuuuge. And Pompeii the lava spider has burrowed down deep and I haven’t seen her since she ate that mealworm, so she may also be getting ready to molt.

I’d forgotten how fast and furious the molts come when they’re small. I’m always excited to see what they’ll look like when they emerge, it’s so fun to watch them grow and change.


Sounds like your little guys are doing very well! My little critters ate a cricket each a few days ago and I have only seen the Hati Hati since then. I see a curtain? going up. But the P Rafilata is hiding. I did add a bit more substrate in both enclosures very very carefully but I don’t think I bothered anything.

That’s fantabulous that yours are molting already! Aren’t these little guys so much fun! I would not mind having a whole room full of them!!! :joy:


My Psalmopoeus (who I’ve started calling Dory) molted last night!! :tada::partying_face: And now she’s BIG. She put on a substantial amount of size with this molt. Her current enclosure isn’t going to last much longer. And she’s the one I’m most dreading rehousing. :joy:


Just got two little hermit crabs! The stuff for the saltwater and more shells are coming in tomorrow so they don’t have a saltwater pool yet but it’ll be there. I’m also planning on getting a larger tank for them very soon so this tank is more of a temporary setup. Name suggestions are welcome!!


Mine were/are all named after vacuum cleaner brands (I have NO idea why). We had Shark, Roomba, Hoover, Dyson - and our final member is Kirby