Look at those beautiful eyes. You take awesome pictures. Do you do wildlife photography for a living?
Fun fact about the wildlife where @welshmorphology is from…
Sheep outnumber humans 3 to 1.
That is all, my work here is done.
HELL YEA. No neighbours just sheep!!!
No I no longer work. I am a zoologist by trade but had to return home due to my failing mental health. I then ran my own business for 11 years, but 5 years ago I suffered the BIGGEST Bipolar breakdown of my life. I was sectioned and heavily medicated. I’m not safe for work these days. I spend 80% of my time in bed either sleeping or resting from med fatigue. My back is wasted due to inactivity. All these photos you see I am sat down using my 4 hob cooker as a space to take photos on
I’m agoraphobic too. I go out to see my psychiatrist…well it’s been on the phone since covid
I’m sorry. I opened up a can of worms.
Your a great photographer. What is agoraphobic? Have not heard of this condition…
I have anxiety. When I am around a crowd of people it is worse. If I have a couple friends with me its not as bad. Most of the time I’m by myself though… Covid situation doesn’t help any. I miss going out with my friend Randy & visiting my family.
Snakes and sheep are better than people will ever be imo.
Though I’m sorry to hear about what you’ve been through. Does photography help at all? Your photos are beautiful, professional quality! I’d kill to get some photos of my pets from you.
No please. Don’t be sorry. I am very open about my mental health. To me by being so open about it seems to help others come forward about theirs, or in strict confidence to me. I fear outside. I live in the middle of nowhere but haven’t opened the curtains for years. I don’t like it outside away from home. I now don’t do people at all. I haven’t seen my friends for years but they do understand. I chat to a lot on facebook I have been diagnosed with Bipolar II, agorophobia, general anxiety and schizoaffective disorder. All names but helps in treatment. I sadly tried to self medicate using booze and cigarettes for years after work daily. I got very poorly. The last time I got very ill, when I came out of sectioning, I forgot I drank daily and smoked so gave that up. A person who loved beer daily is now queasy at the thought of it. So not all bad. I began to use photography as a non destructive way of coping. Sadly this doesn’t come without hate from others. Some people see my photography as me showing off!!! I do nothing of the sort TBH. I am just trying to put some feel goods back into my brain and help with a spike in anxiety. I have really felt safe during covid. I am not scared that people will be knocking on my door. All in all I have coped better in covid than a lot of times before. I am medicated for life now. It’s as good as it is bad, but with medication I have a much better quality of life, anxiety is not so disabling and to be able to live without daily suicidal ideation is amazing. Once massive achievement for me is being able to face the dark. I live in a place there are no town or street lamps. I have always been petrified of the dark. With the use of the anti depressants, mood stabilizers and anti psychotics I have been able to tackle this and achieve night photography. I have been practicing for 4 years and finally nailed it just before new year. Something I would NEVER EVER think I could do in my life. It started with moon shots and went from there
WOW, just WOW Your pictures are always amazing. Do you use the same camera for the reptiles as for the solar shots just with different lenses?
I now use a different camera for the stars. I use a lens or telescope and lots of equipment for the stars
I don’t think your showing off at all. You are a very talented individual. Your photographs are so beautiful. Do you ever sell any of them?
yes a recent thing actually. Just after xmas I started selling. I don’t make much on them once printed out andwith postage but I donate some to Mind UK the mental health charity and the rest goes on animal foods or electric. For overseas customers they buy digital prints from me that I send to them in zip file and they get them printed their end
When I was younger I use to draw and paint all the time. I have tried to get back to drawing but my hands shake, so I can’t get the detail right. I get mad and trash it.
This is a chalk drawing I did years ago.
WOW tigers epic!!!
Yes my meds make me shake a lot. I now have to battle with a stupid “Golfers elbow” that really hurts my arm sometimes when I pick up the camera. It is frustrating to say the least
Is that similar to tennis elbow or Tendinitis? I had this last year, did therapy it helped a lot.
I will be glad when warmer weather gets hear. I can start getting outside more.
yep it;s tennis elbow but on the inside. I never stop typing on my laptop it;s from that lol
I hope to get out this year if all goes well
Sheep certainly taste better than humans!
I just want to thank you for sharing your story. I certainly agree with how being open about it is far more helpful, and I do hope you find more ways to grow towards peace.
I truly look forward to your photography and input here on morphmarket community, and I think we are all very blessed to have you here to share your amazing skills.
Thanks, so much, for all the eye candy!
I concur lol