Looking for advice on spiders

This issue can AND MOST LIKELY caused by bad genetics and incubation issues.

Define " too early."
Has **ANYONE ** ever proven in any scientific ways to show that babies that are cut vs pipped do any worse? Not to my knowledge and i have looked. Until then it is just hearsay and OPINIONS.

And as i stated I AM NOT GOING TO DEBATE THE ISSUE TO EACH THEIR OWN :expressionless:


As someone who has no knowledge of me, my collection, or the spiders I own and have bred I can assure you - you’re incorrect.

Your comment contradicts itself. All spiders have wobble, some just dont show it much? Laughable. An animal with a neurological issue doesnt get to dictate when it shows it’s issues or not. It either has it or it doesnt. It’s plain and simple.


This could be stated that there’s a variation in the expression of the neurological defect, which is what we exactly what we see.


That is what I was saying to begin with, thanks for understanding Riley.