Hi, I’m happy to answer any questions anyone might have.
Unfortunately though, most of my answers aren’t too insightful. lol
As far as safely handling, I guess it’s not much different than for those who can see.
Most of the time when you pick up an animal that isn’t happy with you, you can tell pretty quickly.
You can get a hiss, which on it’s own doesn’t mean everything, but I’d be lying if I didn’t freeze and move extremely slowly when I hear one.
This usually happens for me when you first touch the animal.
Then I just scoop the animal up. I do try to go in as low on the body as I can.
If I can slide my hand straight underneath them, that’s always good.
Then once your holding the animal, you will notice that the snake is loose and relaxed (Which is a good thing usually), or the snake will show one or several other signs that it’s stressed out.
Those could be pulsing, continued hissing, flopping or flailing, or their body stretches out, and they feel tense.
Depending on how the snake is acting from there will decide how things go.
To keep from taking over this thread I’ll stop here, but if people are genuinely interested, feel free to start a thread.
I will answer the best I can, and maybe others with disabilities can chime in on how they work with there boas!