Lump on Hognose

That is really terrible. With something like this, there is simply nothing you could have done. Just nature taking its course I guess. :frowning:

That sucks that you payed a good amount for her. We would love to hear any updates with the autopsy, etc. so we can learn more and become aware of this.


I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope a necropsy will at least give you some closure.


I am so sorry for your loss, the sudden ones are always hard. From the photos and your description, sounds like congestive heart failure was involved, maybe myocarditis or pericarditis.

If she was young, I would definitely have the vet check for any congenital defects on the necropsy. If they find any, you may want to pass that information on to whoever you purchased her from, as it could be genetic/inherited.


I got her from a pretty big hognose breeder, she’s an October 2019 animal so still fairly young. This would have been her first year being paired for breeding. I’ll definitely have to let the breeder know if I happen to find out anything about her condition.


If it turns out to be something that could have been genetic, then maybe it’s just as well you didn’t get a clutch from her. Doesn’t make the loss hurt any less, but at least you know you didn’t produce and sell babies that could have had similar issues.


If you havent already found the info, refrigerate her body dont freeze it. Im very sorry for your loss. Please do let us know what the necropsy shows.


I’m truly sorry for your loss. It’s never something that gets easier in my opinion. Take comfort in the time you had with her and know she was well cared for and loved. ::hugs::

Also keep us posted. As someone who owns more than a couple hognoses I like to acquire any and all info on them that I can. On the off chance I may encounter similar situations.

Give all the noodles some extra love!


I did place her in the fridge after looking it up, so we should be good to go on that.

I’ll definitely let ya’ll know what I find out!

And yeah, if it was genetic I would hate to have produced babies from her with the same issues… so in a way I’m glad that didn’t happen.


I wonder if it’s something that’s fairly common in hognoses or morph related. I was on Reddit probably 6 months ago and someone had a similar looking snake around the same age that showed the same symptoms.

The part that sticks out in my head was they attached a video of him at the vet being an absolute adorable little sweetheart with the stranger doing what I believe was an echocardiogram on him. Just looking around calmly and inquisitively. Flicking his tongue looking completely happy and unbothered.

If I recall correctly he was diagnosed with heart issues and fluid buildup in the sac around the heart. He unfortunately passed a few days later.

Brought tears to my eyes then and again now.
Just hope it’s nothing you or anyone else I know has to go through.

God I’m such a big baby sometimes :frowning:


I think it is far better to have emotions then a lack there of.


I’m so sorry. she looked like she was a sweetheart.


I did attempt shining a flashlight through the area before she had passed, and it shone right through. Normally I would expect it to be dark because of her organs, but it wasn’t dark at all.
I wonder if it was some sort of fluid buildup, that would explain why it happened overnight and why I didn’t see any “pulsing” like I’d expect from an enlarged heart.


I’m sorry about your loss. I would like to know the necropsy results once you get them.


Oh, I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m hoping that learning something will help defray that futile feeling. And hoping that the sadness passes soon.


My fiancé was able to take her in today as they didn’t want to wait any longer for an autopsy — poor guy did 7 hours of driving today for me but I’m thankful for it.

It was a pretty hefty bill… $700…. But that includes a cremation and other memorabilia of her.

My fiancé said we wouldn’t get full results back until April, so it sounds like they’re gonna do pretty extensive testing. Hopefully we’ll all learn something from it!


That was very kind of your fiance. Again, I’m sorry for all you’re going through. Hopefully the necropsy will be informative. Thank you for being willing to share with the community.


So sorry about your loss. :worried: Did you get the results?

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I haven’t! I need to call them (again, I already called once in late April) and ask what the heck is going on. They gave me her ashes/urn but no results on the necropsy despite it being almost 6 months

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If they don’t give you any results I would ask for my money back. Or threaten to sue because there is more to sue for than just the cost of the necropsy. That usually gets them to speed up.

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I don’t suggest this. I used to work for a veterinarian and the moment you threaten to sue, they will likely freeze you out because it is then a risk to their business to continue dealing with you. Even more likely if they’re owned by one of the big clinic companies. Ask for a refund, ask for records, report them to the state veterinary board, but save the legal threats until absolutely necessary, especially if you may need their services in the future.