Ahoy all! Calling all leopard gecko folks!
I am working on a comprehensive list of every leopard gecko morph, and I need some help filling in the blanks. The formatting got all skewed when I copy/pasted it, so please excuse the messy appearance (ignore the haphazard indents). If any of you are involved in the leopard gecko world, please have a look at these & let me know what’s missing/incorrect/etc.:
Assorted Nomenclature
Aberrant = irregular body pattern + banded tail
-Some say irregular tail + banded body also qualifies -
Abyss = Mack Snow + NDBE + Enigma
Abyssinian = debatable whether it’s even an actual morph, different sources describe differently
-unpigmented Eclipse eyes- ‘clear eyes’
-paradox + w/out black pigment on body (?) -
Albino/Amel.= 3 types
-Texas = Tremper
-Las Vegas = Rainwater
-Florida = Bell -
APTOR = Tremper het Eclipse +/- Patternless
Aurora = Bell + W/Y
Aurora DADAR = ?
Baldy = Patternless head
Banana Blizzard = Blizzard +/- Patternless
-Some contend is just a yellow/tangerine Blizzard -
Bandit = Bold with a broad, dark band across the nose
BEE = (Black-eyed) Enigma + Eclipse
Black Blood = Blood line from JMG Reptiles to be darker/rustier
Black Hole = Mack Snow + Enigma + Eclipse
Blazing Blizzard = Albino + Blizzard
-default = Tremper Albino -
Blood Sucker = ?
Blue Amber Eye = BAE, ocular mutation from Tremper
Bluebelly Pastel = A type of Pastel?
Blue Fire = ?
Blue tail = ?
-Only a few have been produced by Helena Nova in Czechia circa 2005-2008 -
Bold Stripe
-GGG line
-Halloween Mask
-R2 Reptiles line -
Bright line Bell Albino = a line of lavender bell albinos developed by ___ to appear brighter.
Calcite = W/Y + Eclipse + Bell + Mack Snow + Enigma
-Stealth + W/Y
-Black Hole + Bell + W/Y
-Radar + W/Y + Mack Snow + Enigma -
Carrot Head = Patterned orange head
Carrot Tail = at least 15%!
Cinnamon = a line of Tremper albino developed by Tremper from his Bold Bandits
Cipher = base morph, Geckoboa
Circle Back = old school, describes pattern on back
Creamsicle = Super Hypo + Tangerine + Mack Snow
Crystal = Rainwater + Eclipse + Mack Snow + Enigma
-Typhoon + Mack Snow + Enigma
-BEE + Rainwater + Mack Snow
-Black Hole + Rainwater -
Cyclone = Rainwater + Eclipse + Patternless
-Typhoon + Patternless -
Dalmation = Geckos Etc.- defined red spots on light background
Diablo Amarillo = ?is this a thing?
Diablo Blanco = Tremper + Blizzard + Eclipse
Diorite = Super snow w/extreme speckling
Dreamsicle = Mack Snow + Tremper + Eclipse + Enigma
Ember = Tremper + Eclipse + Murphy Patternless
-?not sure how this is different from RAPTOR? -
Emerald = ?same as Emerine?
Emerine lines
-Clown G (g project + electric)
-G Project – Matt Baronak
-Green & Tangerine – Ultimate Gecko
-Pacific Green – Kyle Golinveaux
-Sykes line – Geckos Etc. -
Fascio cross = direct descendant of wildcaught E. m. fasciolatus + whatever morph
Fire = ?
Firebold = Very bold & very orange/red (specific line?)
Firefox = Super Hypo Tangerine Carrottail Baldy Line Breeding (Probably European)
Firewater = Rainwater Sunglow (Lava Line – HISS & Bryan Jett)
Forget Me Not = the more lavender phase of the Plasma project from Dolezel Reptiles.
Galaxy/Total Eclipse = Super snow + Eclipse
Ghost = faded appearance, everyone disagrees on genetics
-Same as Pastel? -
Giant/Super Giant/Godzilla Giant = heritably big gecko
Glow Madness = European morph??
Goblin = TUG Snow + SHTCT + Tremper + Eclipse
Gold Candy Cane = Cinnamon Albino Zorro Mandarin Bandits developed by Tremper
-i.e., high contrast Cinnamon Albino Tangerine Bolds -
Golden eyes = (?) eye mutation from Csyt Reptiles (?)
Granite = ?same as Diorite?
Halloween Mask = Bold +/- same mask as Bandits
Hybino = old school, HT + Albino
Hyglo = SHT Tremper Albino
Icicle = TUG Snow + Nova
-TUG Snow + Tremper + Eclipse + Enigma -
Inferno Blood = SHTCTB Line Breeding
JBR Glow = (European) ?a line of tangerine? Tremper?
Jungle = both body and tail pattern are irregular/not banded
Lichen = (European) ‘Ghost’ + Enigma + Mack Snow
Magma = A tangerine line from Dolezel Reptiles, part of their Plasma project.
Marble Eye = Eyes look weird & 3D, some problems associated
Melanistic = dark gecko
-Black Night
-Black Pearl
-Black Velvet
-Akoya -
Meteor = Vermillon + Ghost + Mack Snow + Enigma + Eclipse
-Vermillon + Ghost + Black Hole -
Midnight Blizzard = a dark blizzard
Milky Way = Enigma + Mack Snow + Eclipse + Ghost + (Black Hole + Ghost)
-Black Hole = Mack Snow + Enigma + Eclipse -
Nova = Tremper + Eclipse + Enigma
Noir Desir Black Eye = NDBE
-ocular abnormalities, infertile females -
Onyx = gecko has a smudged out pattern (from TUG)
Panda = Black Night + Eclipse +/- Mack Super Snow (unclear- new term in 2021)
Paradox = Spots independent of the rest of the pattern
Pastel = debated
-same as ghost?
-Separate heritable trait, but polygenic(?) -
Patternless stripe = when the background color of a gecko includes a ‘stripe,’ independent of the pattern of spotting (mostly noticeable on SH)
Phantom = a TUG thing
-TUG snow + SHTCT + Tremper -
Plasma = A tangerine project from Dolezel Reptiles with 2 phases: Magma & Forget Me Not
Platinum = Mack Snow + Patternless
Predator = Bell + Eclipse + Patternless
Radar = Bell + Eclipse
Rainbow Stripe = A & M
-Striped/reverse stripes
-Characterized by orange & green -
Raining Red Stripe = Red Stripe + Rainwater
-Jeremy Letkey -
RAPTOR = Tremper + Eclipse
-Originally = Red eye Albino Patternless Tremper ORange
-hotly debated whether must be patternless- generally not
-patternless via polygenic, or Murphy Patternless?
-Solar Raptor = G Project RAPTOR
-Not sure how this relates to Embers re: “Patternless” -
Red Eye Storm = TUG Snow + Mack Snow + Bell Albino + Enigma.
SHTCTB = Super Hypo Tangerine Carrottail Baldy
SHTCT = Super Hypo Tangerine Carrottail
Smaug = Tremper + NDBE + Enigma
Snake Eye = 1-99% partial pigment in eye (of Eclipse only? Applies to other ocular mutations?)
Snow = simple heritable vs. polygenic
-Mack Snow- codom
-Gem Snow- ?
-TUG Snow- ?
-Linebred/Selectively bred (Albey Scholl line) -
Snowflake = Mack Snow + Tremper + Eclipse + Patternless
-aka. Snow Ember
-RAPTOR + Mack Snow +/- Patternless -
Snowglow = Tangerine + Mack Snow + Albino
Snow Storm = ? multiple snow traits in one gecko? (don’t breed!)
Sobe = ?
Solar = SHTCTB RAPTOR Emerine Line Breeding (Probably European)
Solar Eclipse = ?
Sonar = Enigma + Bell + Eclipse (?) but not snow?? Thought was same as stealth?
Stealth = Snow + Enigma + Radar
-Snow + Enigma + Bell + Eclipse
-Black Hole + Bell -
Stonewash = JMG
-‘stonewashed’ appearance
-developed for their Black Bloods -
Sunglow = SHT + Albino
-Some say there is also Mack Snow?? Wtf? -
Sunrise = Tangerine + Albino + Blizzard
Sunset = Tangerine + Blizzard
Super Blood= Blood Hypo (line breeding) +/- Enigma
Super Nova = Super snow + Tremper + Eclipse + Enigma
Super Platinum = Super Snow + Patternless
Super Stealth = Super Snow + Enigma + Radar
-Super Snow + Enigma + Bell + Eclipse -
Tangelo = Tangerine + Tremper
-Red Diamond = (Tangerine + Tremper )– Maia + Gonzini lines -
Tangerine lines
-Afghan Tangerine - Ultimate Gecko
-Atomic – A & M line
-Blood - JMG
-Electric – HISS
-Gourmet Rodent line
-Hot Gecko line
-Inferno – Luxurious Leopards line (albey + tug + electric line)
-Mandarin – Gecko Genetics
-Nieves line
-Plasma (Magma & Forget Me Not) from Dolezel Reptiles
-Purple Head- lavender tangerine from GeckoBoa
-?Burning Blood?? (from where?)
-Tangerine Tornado - TUG
-Torrid – Albey Scholl -
Total Eclipse/Galaxy = Super snow + Eclipse
Toxic Snow = GEM Snow Line Breeding by Hansgünter Kleffmann
Typhoon = Rainwater + Eclipse
Universe = Super snow + Eclipse + W/Y
Vanilla Project = mix of pure E. macularius subspecies, Geckoboa
Vermillon = Created by breeding a Ghost Tremper (Glow line) het Eclipse to an Enigma Ghost het Eclipse and Tremper sometime in 2009
-European? -
Vortex = Rainwater + Eclipse + Patternless + Enigma
-Cyclone + Enigma
-Typhoon + Patternless + Enigma -
White Knight = Bell + Eclipse + Blizzard
-Radar + Blizzard -
White Out = Mack Super Snow + Blizzard + Eclipse
White Side = ?does this just mean it has white sides?
Zorro = Designer line breeding of Bold Bandit (by designer geckos)
(Anyone can edit for errors, corrections, additions, etc. See pic below for guidance)