I heard that Candy and Monsoon won’t work together. Has anyone else heard this?
Where have you heard that?
And by ‘won’t work’, do you mean as an actual viable animal? It would be strange if candy/toffee was an issue.
Someone mentioned it in Facebook group. He said he heard RGI talking about it. I think it’s just a hard combo to hit.
Hard to hit is definitely different than won’t work.
Albino and Blizzard was a hard to hit recessive combo in leopard geckos in the late 90s/early 2k…but it’s everywhere now.
Won’t work in BPs is like super spider where it’s a lethal gene… And to a lesser extent albino or Pied BELhaving eye issues or caramel albinos being kinked.
If I’m thinking of the same podcast the way I remember it was albino, not lavender (edit, maybe you said candy and I guess that would be same location as albino so could apply). The suspected issue was that it was looking like the mutations were very close together on the same chromosome. That sort of linkage requires a rare crossover (X2) to make the first combo. Could actually be easier to make after that first one though.
However, given no monsoon test out yet it is also possible what they thought was monsoon back then wasn’t and albino and monsoon might not be linked.
Thanks for response. I’m on the fence whether to buy the combo. I’m still looking for that podcast. Maybe I’ll just wait it out for that combo.
Here is the data as it stands, based on what Ben has seen
The gene for Monsoon and the gene for Albino/Candy are very close to one another on the chromosome. Because of this, the odds of getting them together on a single chromosome is very low. You can think of it kind of like the sex-switch thing with Banana: if you have a female Banana, it is very hard to get a male from her because the Banana gene and the SDF gene are close to one another. However, while the Banana/SDF switch happens at around 7-10%, the proximity of Albino to Monsoon is much much smaller so the odds are much much lower. If you watched the later episode of RGW, Ben and I discussed this and I used the earthquake analogy –
If we both live in California and there is an earthquake, what are the odds of a crack in the earth happening between us if I like in SF and you live in LA? Pretty high
Now, what is we both live in LA but on opposite sides? Odds just got lower
Now, what is we both live in the same subdivision? Odds are lower still
Now, what if we both live on the same street? Even lower odds
And if we are next door neighbours? Not going to call that impossible, but odds are very much against it
With Banana/SDF, you are looking at opposite sides of LA. With Albino/Monsoon, we are probably looking at same subdivision, possibly same street
That’s a really handy breakdown! I wonder if the issue with albino and Blizzard in leopard geckos was a similar situation then. Because it took a very long time to see someone hatch the first one. I never had luck until I purchased an albino blizzard years later
Would this also be a situation where once it does happen and cross over, that resulting animal would make it much easier to breed albino monsoons from it’s lineage?
Also I’m assuming this would mean candy/toffee as well because they’re allelics?
I know lav albino is a different mutation from the albino complex so that could be the way to go with monsoon for results for now?
You would need two animals where the crossover happened, but then it would be easy, yeah
Wow. That’s a fantastic explanation. Did Ben say albino or candy? I had originally asked about candy. Do you know what video that was so I could watch it?
Never mind I see you answered that as well.
As of yesterday, I believe Dave did manage to hatch a monsoon candy.
Wow. That’s amazing timing
Mind taking a screenshot and posting it, for those of us that don’t use social media? Lol
No worries, i appreciate the link/image regardless. Thank you! (Hopefully that lol wasn’t taken as aggressive/passive-aggressively, as I can definitely see how it could’ve been. I’m sorry!)
No, you’re totally good! I just am 27 and grew up with social media so I forget that some people don’t use it.
Not sure how long Mr Green has been working towards candy monsoon and of course there is no accounting for luck. However him hitting the combo already makes me wonder. What if what Dr Morrill thought was monsoon some weeks ago in the podcast wasn’t really monsoon and it’s not actually that close to albino/candy? Maybe this will be the week we get an announcement that a monsoon test is available and not another week away. However it taking this long already makes me think there have been a few false leads.
Dave has been working towards the Candy Monsoon for years and has been going off of het x het pairings. I don’t see albino/candy being at all closely resembled to monsoon. I’m not personally one to put a lot of faith into shed testing when it comes to complex morphs/traits, and without peer review.
Ben has always been pretty clear about his finding, the issue is that the hobby collectively tend to hear only what they want and run with it. In this case, Ben specifically said that the data he is seeing indicate a possible linkage but that there is further work that needs to be done. The hobby happily jumped on the first and ignored the second. I know he is still analyzing data
Proximity on genome has little to do with phenotypic character, witness Banana and SDF… And most of the Spider complex…