Well i travelled today to collect the other half’s Christmas present. (Early but can’t exactly hide him haha)
Meet (now Montana) haha, the Ackie monitor! After a long time debating I got the hint he wanted an Ackie and found he was talking to someone with one. So I found them and grabbed him without him knowing and surprised him today after work with him. He’s a sweetie
Oh and ignore the heat lamp, it’s not on, he’s ok! Cage is being put on, just incase any of you freak out haha.
I surprised him last minute and he hadn’t finished and put it on and I didn’t realise.
He’s currently digging as he’s never had the opportunity too, so he’s loving the thick Substrate
Love those guys and really want one!
We are going to double check the sex tomorrow, as brought him as a him and hes 2 or so, but seems small to be a fully grown male. So wondering if he’s actually a she
Ackies are awesome. They’re a species I want when I have the space.
Still buried in the bottom, think he’s fallen asleep
He actually fell asleep in the car on the way home too!
They’re awesome, we wanted one a few years ago but didn’t have the space. With some rearranging and building we managed to make it work!
Well the other half built the viv, I came Home to it which made it very clear it was happening
I’m not really a monitor person, but look at that belly! Are they chill, or do y’all just have that effect?
I did think getting a baby to tame ourselves would of been the best option, that was until the other half found him^.
He was already tame, and that’s better for when you have a 6 year old who wants to cuddle everything
Some can be more grumpy, but you’ve got to put in the work whilst young with these! They can be speedy and scatty when young so it takes time for them to just chill out at times. If we get another in the future it will most likely be an older one also that’s tame already, though I’d love a young one, but can’t guarantee sex small!
I suppose like with Royals (most feisty reps I’ve owned, Blaze was an )
or any other reptile that can be a bugger at first!
I do get told i have a way with animals a lot
I just think that’s because I’m persistent, YOU WILL LOVE ME.
Hahaha Matt does the taming. I’m too jumpy. I love how much your wee one likes to be involved.
Haha but Blaze has that pretty boy thing going for him. I was actually just thinking about the fact that I am not hook trained. Our boa is the only one that needs it, so Matt takes her out.
Anywho, Monty is beautiful and I’m excited for more pictures!
Well… Monty may be Montana…
I know @professorherp can sex, we see no peens when lighting, and no big fanning scales underneath like in your video…
Just getting warm
Baby 🥲
We got him/her/who knows some more logs today as apparently loves them. He’s just loving making burrows, it’s so lovely too see.
You said that Monty is 2? Given the size of the head and just overall size I would say it is a female. Males have much fatter heads when mature and are usually a bit bigger.
See that was our thought when I went to collect ‘him’ and brought him home. The other half said ‘Damn he’s small’ when I surprised him with ‘him’
‘He’s’ over 2 now, unsure exactly how much over but yeah a bit small for a male surely…
The other halves friend has a pair of Ackies, I’ve asked for more pics of both, underneath etc.
And going to get a better light for the tail sexing like the video…
Though I didn’t think to question the previous owner regarding sex, but since we know we’d like another in the future then I was like ‘Ooh let me try sexing with the tail and light’, just because I’ve seen it done and found it amazing. Then it was a Hang On a minute moment when I saw nothing…
He is a stunner! Oh my!
That means you got a great deal if he is a adult she
He’s a yellow male!
A breeder has been very helpful
So definitely male?
I guess so!
Love the new addition to the family. An ackie and green tree monitors are something on my “realistic” bucket list. (Just don’t have the space to build them the enclosure size I would like… as I would prefer to have plenty of room for enrichment and exploration) you’ll have to keep us posted with pics and updates so I can live vicariously through you hahahah