Morph Issues [All Reptiles]

Morph Issues

This is a list of some of the known issues associated with several species. Feel free to reply with updates to this list.

For individual species issues please refer too the Morph Issues [Directory]

Last Update: Sep 01 2022

Issue Description Source
Eyeless (Anopthalmia) On rare occasions reptiles can be born without eyes [1] [2] [3]
Scaleless [4][5]
Two-headed (Bicephalism) [6][7][8] [9]
Bug Eyes Common to nearly all Blue Eyed Leucistic types across genera/species [10]
Small Eyes (Micropthalmia)
Albinism Photophobia

  1. Snake born with no eyes - #23 by robertseib ↩︎

  2. Ball pythons with missing eyes - #28 by sickpyth7 ↩︎

  3. Jungle Tiger Het Purple Bateater X Reticulated Python by HurQleys Herps - MorphMarket ↩︎

  4. Super Microscale Pastel (Scaleless) Ball Python by D & Jo's Pythons - MorphMarket ↩︎

  5. ↩︎

  6. ↩︎

  7. Two-headed Red-eared Sliders - YouTube ↩︎

  8. *rare 2 Headed* Western Hognose by Snowblair Condas - MorphMarket ↩︎

  9. Perfect 2 Headed Corn Snake ↩︎

  10. Morph Issues [Directory] - #10 by t_h_wyman ↩︎


I have one very pretty snake with one small eye.

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