I’m considering the purchase of a ball python in the next 6mos to a year as a pet (no plans to breed at this time). It’s important to me to get a healthy one from a reputable breeder, and I’d like to stay away from some of the morph-related health issues.
I’m wondering if you all could recommend some morph combos to check out - I have an idea of what i want and some that i particularly like, but there are so many to choose from it’s hard to know where to begin! Because I don’t plan to do any breeding, I’m less interested in the hets and non-visual forms, I think (provided I’ve begun to grasp some of the genetics). I seem to really like the particularly dark and contrasty ones (like Clowns, Leopard, Spotnose, and some of the black axanthic ones too). I’ve also read some things to indicate that some of the axanthics tend to change color and be a bit less interesting as they age, but then there are like 10 different lines…pieds are also neat but I prefer the ones that have less white. I know that some genes reduce the pattern/get you a high white snake.
Obviously, I don’t think one of these 5 gene combo ones are quite going to be in my budget for a non breeding animal But would love to hear some more reasonable 2-4 gene combos you think I should take a look at here on morphmarket!
First off, Welcome to the forum! And as far as what you’d like us to recommend you it all comes down to you at the end but I personally love clowns and work with them. I particularly love leopard clown combos such as batmans. Since you also have no idea as of yet as to what you like I would recommend you filter through everything on MM according to price.
Haha I have been! But then there are so many multi-gene combos that change the pattern drastically (which is cool, because there are endless combos) but I guess I’m more wondering if there are additional genes that have similar effects to the ones mentioned I might not have come across yet. Seeing the wall of morphs in the search can be daunting
If you like “darker” looking morphs try looking at cinnamon, Black pastel or maybe even Ghi and Mojave.
All of them are dark and have some rather striking simple combos, as well as simply looking beautiful standalone.
If you’re looking for a high white pied, Mojave and spider pies are often that from what I’ve seen.
Hope that helps a bit.
Me myself, I love when a python has a prominent dorsal stripe.
To just give names of “good” morphs is a pretty tall order since it’s all based on opinion, and there is just so much out there. But for dark snakes, a couple others I haven’t seen mentioned that I personally love: Black Head (especially paired with Leopard), and Acid/Confusion/Static (although these are still kind of pricey). Also, they aren’t really “dark” but as far as contrast Desert Ghost or Enhancer are certainly worth checking out.
One often overlooked piece of advice that I think is especially important for a “pet only” ball python is to find out as best as you can how that morph will look at 1year, 3years, and 5+ years. Every morph will develop as they age, and you may or may not like it from one morph to the next.
I would second Crypticoils about researching what they look like as adults. While it is important to pick something that looks great now, BP’s can live for decades and so you should make sure you will still like it as an adult. Once you do your homework and decide what morph or combo you may like, then don’t compromise and pic the nicest example you can find and afford, especially if it is going to be your only snake.
That said, like Lays Potato Chips, most people never stop at 1 and then breeding becomes the next logical step. The last piece of advice I would offer is to try and find a female of whatever combo you like. That way should you change your mind about breeding down the road, you may already have a grown girl to start working with, instead of having to spend another two to three years growing something up to pair with a male. Best of luck.
this is exactly the kind of info i’m looking for - as i mentioned in the OP, i’ve read that axanthics can be this way, but it’s hard just by looking here on MM to see what ones mature to keeping (or improving) their nice colors! which is another reason I came here for more specific guidance. Not really looking for “good morphs” - it’s so subjective - just ones that fell into my requirements of being dark & contrasty!
Love the look of those Acids but they’re definitely on the pricey side. Will peep the static ones for sure. Thanks for the tip.
Sorry about that.
I misread it.
I’m not sure what morph does a lot of low white.
I guess that’s more of luck of the draw thing.
Probably wrong about that though.
I get where you’re coming from.
Pied balls have really pretty patterns and when you notice that it does become kind of sad to see wiped away by white.