My first ever clutch

Not sure about that particular mark, I can’t see it all enough to say specifically but you souls expect them to change in appearance. The eggs will pick up stains and discolorations from the tannins in the moss. This isn’t a bit harmful. In fact, sphagnum has some antimicrobial properties so it may even be helpful.

Do make sure that the covering moss is only slightly damp. If no more than a drop or two of water comes out when you when you squeeze a handful of it tightly in your fist, it’s perfect. Moss which is too wet can cause the eggs to swell, which can produce stretch marks. If this happens, just leave the moss off the eggs for a few days. But please don’t fret. I don’t see anything worrisome.


After this clutch pips you should take a sedative and sleep for the next 12 weeks or so to make up for all the sleep you have lost worrying about these cotton pickin eggs! Lol! Just kidding! :rofl:


I dont think its an issue with the moss becuase ive made sure not to add too much water and everytime i check only a few drops of water come out. Ive looked at previous pictures too and it does seem like it had a dip there so it could be from where its gotten a bit bigger?


Lol its so true. I ca t wait for the day they start pipping but one since thing will be that tomorrow is week 2 of incubation!


Ok then, 9 more weeks until sedative time…… !


They usually take 2 months to hatch (8 weeks) so only 6 more weeks until sedatives lol


Oh ok! That’s even better! Lol!


Sure is lol


Here is a picture of the eggs now. They are all looking nice and have inflated well

But this egg feels really soft and squishy and feels slimy so ive been wiping it off whenever i see it


They look very good. :heart_eyes:

Indeed it could. The eggs will actually grow noticeably between laying and hatching. Growing is a good thing!

“Usually” is the operative word, lol. 56 days/8 weeks is far from set in stone. It’s even kinda quick. If you incubate on the higher end of acceptable temps, you can get pipping that early but a bit longer is totally usual. Mine usually pip around 9-10 weeks, for whatever that’s worth. And yeah, it’s very anxious-making when they’re close, lol.


Slimy or wet can mean that the egg is absorbing to much moisture and it’s leaking. You can try leaving that one uncovered for a couple of days. (No moss, I mean. Obviously the bin they’re in stays covered.) Hopefully it’ll be okay. :crossed_fingers:

Edit: I looked more closely at the picture showing the clutch. This particular egg looks a bit less calcified, which can explain its different texture. That doesn’t mean it can’t hatch and be totally fine. It might develop more discoloration and/or leak. Its texture may always feel different from the others. That’s not necessarily anything to worry over.


that egg has felt that way since it was layed when i last candled it it did have an embryo so hopefully it does still hatch!


Hopefully so. It is pretty astonishing how horrible some eggs can appear on the outside, all the while a beautiful baby is developing inside!


that sure is true. ive heard some stories where some eggs were covered with mold and still hatched. its pretty amazing how hardy they can be. but hearing something and actually experiencing it is different which is probably why im still worrying lol

Edit: also if the really tiny egg does hatch im thinking of naming it gumball lol


You’re SO right! Huge difference!

Fwiw, here’s a nasty looking clutch I had from one of my girls last year.


and i thought some of mine look off… How many of them ended up hatching?


There were 10 healthy babies. One egg went bad during incubation. One had twins; one twin failed to develop and was DIE, but the other is on my holdback shelf.


thats very impressive. They sure can be hardy despite the look of the egg. Ill probably candle my eggs on friday and only do it that once this week. If no more eggs have veins at that point is that worrying or would it be normal? From where i have candled them previously i have seen the embryo in the eggs so are there veins that are faint that i just cant see?


Hard to say just what you’ll see with candling as things continue to develop. Basically, stick to incubating everything until they’re either pipping or there is absolutely no possible question that they’re bad. Nature is amazing. Odds are great that you have a beautiful bunch of baby corn snakes in your future.


Hopefully they hatch then! Since im mostly unaware of hets anything could hatch really which is super exciting!