My hybrid collection

Well its not like there are any official rules, but I try to stick to animals that make sense to me and who will breed in a natural way, in other words no artificial fertilization. I also only work with hybrids that produce fertile and healthy offspring.


All beautiful snakes amazing

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gonna pop these here tentatively as the classification on blotched kings is up for some debate these may be more along the lines of an integrade than an all out hybrid.


Wow. makes me want to go herping here in Florida to find some beautiful kings like these.


Unfortunately yesterday when I was leaving work, we have a ditch system around a few of the buildings on property with signs warning of snakes. Anyways, while I was leaving work, I noticed a 4 foot snake being attacked and eaten by a stork. Wanted to intervene, but realized nature was doing what nature does. As much as I wanted to save the snake, I knew the stork also need to eat. Pretty sure it was a king snake from the distance I was at.


OMG This guy is absolutely goregous

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Photo dump of Apophis my female het hypo ½ Brooks Florida king (floridana) & ½ Blotched king (meansi)
She’s the one that escaped last week and was recovered two days ago. She’s got that permanent crazy eye, but shes pretty easy going really. I can’t wait to watch her mature. She was produced by Robert Lamb.


Haven’t taken pics of Cookie in a while and wouldn’t you know she’s getting close to the end of her shed cycle and browning out but in a couple of weeks that brown dirty yellow looking color will turn to a nice creamy yellow after she sheds. In any case I love her, and I named her cookie for both the black and white sides and the cookie shapes on her sides. She’s ½ California King snake & half Mexican black king produced by a member of the Arizona herp society. Shes got a great temperament and the most she ever does is pee on me a little when she’s nervous.


I like the blue and green iridescence!


Pitch is from the same clutch as Cookie making him ½ California kingsnake & ½ Mexican black kingsnake as well. However, pitch has thinner and whiter markings.


This year I m going to breed striped cal king x big bull female. Should produce some lookers. Also on a larger scale burm balls bateaters caterers and jungle retics and cateater x retic …shooting for the moon this year gotta get out of my rut


Male Hypo Florida king X Blotched
Male het lavender albino Florida king X blotched king :arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down:

Female het lavender albino Florida king X blotched king :arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down:

Female het hypo Florida king X blotched king

Male hypo brooks king, not a hybrid, but intended for the hybrid projects​:arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down:


Blaze is ready to breed this year!


I think it’s time for more photos of your awesome snakes! :wink:


I’ll second that. With a side of PLEASE?

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