My *NEW* naturalistic bio active terrarium!

Awww that’s so sweet Thankyou so much! :slight_smile:


Hello all! So I have a quick question. I have a (currently none blooming rather large) orchid that I think would look very nice in my terrarium as well as add amazing places for my future gecko to hide\rest in etc. my orchid has leaves like my snake plant and my other crestie adored those. So my question is…are orchids safe for crested geckos? And can I have one in my terrarium? Thanks so much!


I believe orchids are Reptile safe, however Orchids don’t like their leaves getting wet or being climbed on.

I keep several orchids, none are in with my Cresties but I used one for them to climb on while I cleaned their enclosures… Several weeks down the line and the orchid was loosing leaves and the flowers came off a lot sooner than they usually would.

If you do try it, let us know how it goes


They are safe, but will probably die.

I had one with my toad, too much humidity and it’ll die as they don’t like being too wet whereas you need the humidity for the Cresties.
So when misting etc you’ll just kill it.
Defo not worth losing your orchid :sweat_smile:


Thankyou guys for clarifying that they are reptile safe. I actually just wanted to see how it looks in the tank I then found out it physically cannot fit :smile: was a good try though :slight_smile:


Hey! What do you guys think about this gecko? Let me know

He is a softscale harlequin Dalmatian

Adult male round 4 years old weighs about 32g

Produced by fiery gecko


Looks like he has an okay head structure. If your thinking of breeding, remember that most people don’t want spots on pattern geckos, so will be harder to sell plus will reduce the price


Don’t forget pinstripe too.

As said heads average, and spots a lot don’t want and especially with certain other traits like soft scale, if he is one.
People want clean Dalmatians, so maybe pair to a female Dalmatian? :blush:


Thankyou! So you think he won’t be a good breeder?

And to clarify you don’t think he is a softscale? That is what the breeder had told me

I see so many crested geckos that are not clean Dalmatians go for very high prices i originally though that is what people want I mean yes a clean dal is certainly beautiful but I also love it when you add a spark to an otherwise not clean dal. So mix in other traits

Curious in your opinion does he have any good qualities breeder wise? Or even in general?

I was originally interested in him becuase he is a softscale for a good price but do you think it is worth it? I mean softscales aren’t that popular or sought after correct?


No, softs are very popular and very sought after. There is just low supply, which causes the prices to be higher.


Oh ok I didn’t know that

He is for an incredible price so I didn’t think softscales were that nice. is their a way to tell by just looking at them?

So do you think it is worth it? To breed him?

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Tbh I can’t tell soft scales on pics, to be fair I’d still struggle in person, but as he is an adult it should be easier to tell in person.

You need to make sure it’s a reputable person and the gecko has lineage. There has been a few sold in UK that are not soft scales, I’ve only found 2 reputable breeders that regularly work with them and they aren’t usually cheap (although I haven’t looked in a few months).

It’s hard to find soft scales without spots, both of mine have Dal spots. Do you have a gecko in mind that you plan to breed him too?

I wouldn’t say he is a bad choice, just depends on what your goal is. patterned Dals take longer to sell as they are not usually seen as breedable quality so it’s limiting who is looking at the gecko.

Theres a page where we talked about soft scales, I’ll see if I can find it.


Found it

Soft scales


Thanks so much I actually do have lineage from him… he is produced by fiery gecko out of Hestia x Xerxes (HD: 5\3\2018)that’s all I know regarding his lineage and about fiery gecko I don’t know much about them don’t think they are very well known but I am not adopting him straight from them I am adopting him from 8 ball crested geckos who bought him when he was a baby

The Fiery Gecko on facebook

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And I don’t believe he is from the UK I actually live in Los angles and I don’t know where fiery gecko is located

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Softscale unsure of, get some close up clear images of him if you can.

And atm here atleast they aren’t saught after unless clean, they go for little whereas clean dals have gone up in price.

If mine I wouldn’t breed no, but that’s because I know how the markets working atm with spots and structure. Bigger heads, no spots unless on a Dal or super Dal etc. or depending on the morph itself where people don’t necessarily mind.

Were parents softscales?


I didn’t mean he would be from UK, I just meant that it’s harder to find soft scales in UK ATM.

I know America have more. A close up pic of the scales might help. Are the either of the parents soft scale or super soft?

Personally I wouldn’t buy him, but that’s because he doesn’t fit in with my breeding plans. Soft scales are better as patterned (for me) as it brings out the colours more and I hope to produce soft scales without spots :crossed_fingers:

But it really comes down to what you want to produce. I would assume he is cheaper because he’s a patterned dalmation.


I mean personally for me, if I was trying to produce soft I’d be going for clean lavender softs and super softs. So no, personally I would not breed him but that is off of taste.


Thankyou guys! I will try and get some close ups and yes I do believe the parents were softscales I don’t know much about him but I will try to find out more


I think I will adopt him as a pet only gecko becuase he is quit beautiful in my opinion and get a proven male for my potential breeding protect.