I just got these two pythons today. The first picture is a Genetic Stripe Borneo STP that I named Luz (M). The second picture is a Blackhead Leopard BP named Singer (F). If the pictures get reversed you should know which is which! Lol! I am very proud of them!
Beautiful! Love how dark the Black Head is!
Congratulations! They look wonderful!
Your borneo a normal? Beautiful baby!
And that blackhead is lush, one of the nicest I’ve seen
I have a borneo! He’s a ultra Breit
Thank you! I have been wanting a really dark Blackhead for a long time!
Thank you! The Borneo is a genetic stripe. The Blackhead is a blackhead leopard actually.
Both are so beautiful! I am usually more of a bp fan, but that genetic stripe stp is so pretty! Love the light head, bright dorsal stripe and those blushing sides!
Thank you! He is a lot lighter than the others I had to choose from. He looks very pretty to me as well! !
Hey now those are awesome! Super stoked for you!
Thank you so very much David! I am kind of stoked myself! I am letting them chill out for awhile!
Caron!! AAH! He’s soo PRETTY!! Congratulations!
You are now officially a part of the STP club.
Well thank you! I have been waiting patiently to belong to the STP Club!
I can’t to get into the club!
Are you going to be joining us too??
I might be in the next year so two. A female Ivory is something that I would love to have.
Hey take it from someone who has 19? pet snakes now. Go for it! Ivory would be lovely! Here’s hoping you do get one soon and join the STP club!
Omg congrats!! And welcome to the STP club, you may now sit at the cool kids’ table.
Seriously though, they’re both absolutely gorgeous. Your Borneo boy is stunning, I love his light-coloured head and golden eyes (I love STP heads). And I love how dark the new bp girl is, and how much contrast she has. Beautiful new additions!
Oh my goodness thank you so very much for the encouragement! It’s been hard to leave them alone but I want them to settle in and get them eating for me. I don’t think I will have trouble with Singer (BP) but I don’t have any experience with STPs so I am holding my breath. Both are eating FT so that’s a plus.
I promise I won’t take up much room at the STP cool kids table so @lumpy we will save a place
for you at the table and in the STP club!
Thank you again @jawramik for the compliments! I just love my reptiles! And of course my frog and my toad!
We will have to see we’re I am at in the next year or so but I think it could happen then. I am in the middle of the major growth phase of my breed collection so that comes first. But…I do love snakes lol .
Save room for me at the STP table someday too! Those are both so beautiful That stripe is fantastic I have been looking at STP for a while now but still done feel Inhave enough research done to pull the trigger but some day! Your blackhead is so gorgeous and I adore the name