I was given this red tail boa and they said it he is a super jungle but I just want to confirm what it is? Any help is appreciated.
Your boa actually looks like it be a hypo because of its reduced amount of black
He is a Hypo, possibly Jungle (can be very subtle), but he is not a Super Jungle. And it’s a good thing too, because Super Jungles are infertile and often die young.
Definitely hypo en most likely jungle because of the difference between sides (darker) and the top color (lighter), the pretty clean background (no spots, dots, freckles, etc.) and the broken head spear
He looks exactly like my female Hypo. Very little blacks, nice reds all around. The saddles look like nice thick red bowties. Can’t speak for the Jungle but if he does have it, it is very subtle (see the lighter bits in the saddles. Also more pics and we might be able to get a better understanding.
Definitely is a hypo but like everyone else said not a super jungle. Maybe who you got it from ment super hypo?
If it’s super hypo you will have to breed it to prove it out. There is no way to tell by looks if it super hypo.
After it sheds post some side view pictures and I maybe able to tell you if it’s low expression jungle. All jungles have a straight lateral line on the side of there body even if they don’t have crazy pattern.
Here are some of my high expression jungles. They are not super jungle.
That is usually how I identify jungles too!
That snake in the middle photo is drool worthy! Gorgeous!
That’s just an orange phase hypo…some call them “orangasm” (which I think is silly but oh well).
I don’t really see Jungle in there other than the head stripe. I don’t see a stripe on the side or spots within the stripe.
For example this is my Super Sunglow Jungle
Heres a side view of him after he just shed
Very nice looking super Sunglow jungle thanks for posting a picture of it.
I would say you have just a nice hypo boa. I don’t see any jungle in him.
I take back the jungle now I see more of him. Thought their was a very clear contrast between the sides and the top, but that ain’t the case. Beautiful hypo tho
Hypo for sure
Short hypo boa history class for ya: “Orangeasm” is a bloodline of hypo originating from Frank Martin. Similar to “Salmon” boas, a bloodline of hypo originating from Rich Ihle. The early hypo bloodlines came from Jeff Gee and Rich Ihle. From what I recall Jeff Gee crossed his hypos into more central american lines while Rich Ihle bred more into Colombian lines. There are quite a few excellent bloodlines that were developed over the years.
Hypomelanism is the mutation. “Orangasm” “Salmon” etc are bloodlines of hypos.
My personal opinion is the OP’s animal is a hypo boa, no jungle. You can speculate on bloodlines but you dont really know unless you are certain of its lineage.
aint a boa guy but it looks like a hypo
It’s for sure a hypo. I’m wondering if it’s a regular hypo or not… I’m looking through images and it looks similar to the paraglows… maybe caramel hypo? I don’t know my morphs yet I’m trying to learn
Id say Hypo, but @lumpy you’re the boa guy!