New Ball python morph identification

Hi i bought a ball python with unknowns parents, i was told that his a “Enchi, Champagne, firefly”,
Does it looks correct?

Thank you all.


Congratulations on your new addition! Very nice BP! Someone else will have to advise you on the morph information. I have not begun studying the morph course that @eaglereptiles Thomas posted for me! :joy:


Hello! I would say I can see Champagne and possibly Enchi but honestly I’m an amateur trying to identify morphs. One of our more knowledgeable members will probably chime in to help. Pretty snake!


I am just going to rant because why not lol. I am not talking about you specifically! Why does it seem like nobody trust the breeder? And if you don’t, ask before buying it! There is no doubt that if you can’t tell what it is yourself, then it shouldn’t matter to you unless you are breeding and if you are, you should already know how to id it especially if it is being used for specific projects.

And yes, the breeder looks to be correct


Hi, first of all i buy it from a seller that import it from a breeder i trust him but as you say i do breeding so i want to make sure about the morph to know how to match it to a female, thank you for your thoughts…


Now now Logan! Maybe these people who are want confirmation just trust you more! I know I do! :facepunch::ok_hand:


I wasn’t talking about you. I was talking more about the people with obvious normals that have no intentions of breeding. Sorry if it seemed like I was talking about you! I knew you were asking for a valid reason! Sorry again :sweat_smile:


Logan woke up at 3am, traveled, and chose violence :rofl: j/k. Happy Thanksgiving!


Aha! That’s it! He woke up waaaaaaay toooooo early! Go to bed @logar Logan :joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl:


Don’t forget the frantic running around trying to get everything ready for a short 4 day trip until 11 lol.


Everything is fine it’s completely understandable, in that case just reply to them that it is a very unique “super normal” (thats what i do…).


Where is this morph course you speak of :laughing:


:joy: Oh it’s this cute little TikTok video that @eaglereptiles Thomas posted in a thread for me (Candy Recessive Gene Thread) because I kept kidding about going to “Morph school” because I don’t have the first clue! :joy:. There is really no morph school actually! :rofl: But the video is really informative and cute also. I would put it here but I don’t know how to! I’m old school! :older_woman::blush:


Not gonna lie, I think a little healthy skepticism is good. There is a really disappointing number of breeders out there who can’t ID correctly, even simple combos. I personally report probably 15-20 ads on MM per week as incorrect, and unfortunately nothing ever seems to be Dune about them. So while I’m with you on the ‘what morph is my snake’ when it’s obviously a normal, I definitely think it’s not a bad idea to get a second opinion. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve met who bought a snake from a breeder and it very obviously does not have one or more genes it’s advertised as, or does have genes present that weren’t IDed by the breeder. :sweat_smile:


Just a note that we deal with hundreds of flagged ads every day, and we look into every single one. Sometimes, it may not seem like anything is being done, or may be a delay in us responding to the flagger, but we are actively on it!

Sometimes, we need to reach out to a Subject Matter Expert for extra opinions, or we need extra help from the flagger… or we may just be dealing with a seller who is clueless and doesn’t quite understand what is wrong with their listing… there are many reasons it may seem that nothing is being done immediately, but I promise we are discussing every single flag.

But if there are any you believe have been completely overlooked, please feel free to send them to me directly.


I agree 100%. I really don’t even know why I made that post. Waking up at 3am and only getting 3-4 hours of sleep really messed me up.

Now let’s all get back on track :sweat_smile:


Lol! I do see your point though! I can Identify all the basic morphs, but sometimes combos confuse me. I knew the genes to the first two I bought and never questioned that. But the one I just recently bought they didn’t know any history on him and so I wasn’t sure if there were any other genes there.

I would like to see people explain more on what they see when identifying combos. Like what makes you see fire or Yellowbelly. What are the identifying marks to tell you what your looking at. I know some things like the enchi eye band and pastel is pretty obvious. I will try and guess a morph before looking at comments and sometimes i get it right and sometimes wrong and I get confused why its this and not that. I hope that makes sense lol


Off the top of myhead, I think it’s @banereptiles Nathan who is great at explaining his reasoning for when he IDs morphs. Maybe he can chime in and give a few tips or examples of what he looks for when identifying a morph combo.


Thanks Thomas, this is good to know. Definitely understand that y’all are super busy, it’s just frustrating when there are ads I reported months ago that are still up and incorrect. :sweat_smile: But will do. Thank you for explaining!


It totally makes sense to want more of an explanation about why a gene combo ID is correct or not correct. I’m happy to start doing that, if it’s what people want.

In this case. The breeder’s ID is correct. Champagne washes out the pattern and color and sometimes makes it difficult to see other morphs, so the lack of pattern and the little pixels of color throughout are an indication of champagne. The yellow color indicates pastel, and because the snake is a really bright yellow and white rather than a more muted yellow, that indicates fire is helping brighten. Enchi is harder, but in this combo specifically given that you can still see the remains of alien head(ish) pattern in the picture where the snake is balled up, that indicates to me that enchi is holding on to some of that pattern.