New Year! New Plans For 2021?

in 2021 we plan on growing and updating our room, growing out our retics, ball pythons, crestie and day geckos as well as adding more cresites, hognoses, leos, ball pythons, retics, carpet chameloens, a frilled dragon and a chondro! hoping to have everything going and about half our collection up to breeding size by mid-end 2021! cant wait!


So I know that I didnā€™t update this thread when I changed my long-time goal to breeding boas particularly sterling and IMG combos. But today I did essentially start that goal with Willow.

So yeah, Iā€™m ready to plan for next year!


OMG she is the best looking boa I have EVER seen (sorry to all other boa owners out there) she is really beautiful. If we ever get a boa, like hubby wants, then Iā€™d definitely say yes to one like her.

The silver is so shiny and the eyes are so blue :heart_eyes:

I know youā€™ve edited a long time for her so congrats :clap: I canā€™t wait to see what offspring she makes :grin:

Definitely keep us updated when the time comes :crossed_fingers:

100% The forum is going to be stocked with stuff about all of the grownups that Iā€™m going to get eventually :crazy_face:

So, how did everybodyā€™s plans come along? What did you accomplish and what didnā€™t you accomplish?

For me personally I successfully bred leopard geckos and crested geckos. I built my tortoise table (which I use for a shelf) but I decided not to get a tortoise (they do best in covered enclosures and huge enclosures). I got more isopod species (and I got my millipedes to reproduce) and Iā€™m hoping to work on getting ghost mantises or at least enclosures set up in the next few weeks.

Other notable things that I didnā€™t plan on:
I got my first dart frogs (and Iā€™ll hopefully get more)
I got breeder leopard geckos (for projects with black night snow and tangerine)
I started producing mealworms for food and Iā€™m going to try breeding hornworms (my first attempt failed)
I have plans to get my first snakes and Iā€™ve started saving for them

My plans for next year are to produce all of my leopard gecko food (except for a rare other treat that I donā€™t produce like BSFL). Get my first snake species (likely sand boas and african house snakes). Get a high quality tangerine female leopard gecko for my male. Start keeping and breeding mantises, more isopod species, and possibly more millipede species. I would also like to start keeping or have setups for day geckos species and/or more dart frogs.

Happy New Year!


Happy New Year!

I canā€™t wait to see your plans come together :crossed_fingers:

So last year (2021) we managed to get a female & male soft scale Crestie, produce ball pythons, buy enclosures for future Cresties and keep spending to a minimum.

I didnā€™t get to breed my Cresties as my red just isnā€™t gaining the weight enough :worried:
And I successful made a mess of breeding Wax worms :sweat_smile:

This year
We plan to expand our snake enclosures, hopefully a personalised rack system as I want them to have plenty of room, just easier to clean than vivs and be longer as opposed to wider.
Produce pied ball pythons & hets
Produce Cresties
And keep spending to a minimal as I foresee us wanting to keep a lot of self produced reptiles this yearā˜ŗļø

This year is going to be GREAT!
Keep safe :crossed_fingers: